Split Squat: 3 x 8 (increase wt from last week) Then… AMRAP 15 MIN 100 Double Unders 30 SA Devils Press, 50/35 75 Double Unders 20 SA Devils Press 50 Double Unders 10 SA Devils Press *MAX BURPEES OVER DB IN REMAINING TIMERead More
Olympic Lifting: 9am Clean Waves Wave1: 75%/1, 80%/1, 85%/1 Wave2: 80%/1, 85%/1, 88-93%/1 JERK W/PAUSE IN DIP Build to heavy 1 Endurance: 10:15am AMRAP 35 Minutes 20 DB Bent Over Row 200m Run 20 Half kneeling SA landmine press 200m Run 20 Bicep Curls 200mRun 20 Single Leg V Ups 200m Run 20 Diamond Push...Read More
WWPF – Bardwell’s Birthday WOD 0:00-15:00 Work to heavy snatch 17:00 – 30:00 (13 MIN AMRAP) CASH IN: 44 Alt C2B Pull-ups, partner hangs Then… AMRAP Rest of Time 44 Synchronized DB Hang Snatch, 50/35 44 Cal Bike, Mix anyway 30:00 -36:00 (6 MIN AMRAP) 100m Sandbag Run Relay, 100/75Read More
Bench Press: 8-8-8 (increase wt from last week) Single Leg RDL: 8-8-8 Then… 16 Min AMRAP 21 Cal Row or Ski 15 Deficit Push-ups, 45’s/25’s 9 Burpees over Rower (Jump over your plates if using Ski Erg)Read More
15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean and Jerk Then……. Kat Attack-Happy 43rd birthday to Kat Yeager! 3 Rounds for Time: 9 Hang Cleans 165/113 28 Toes Through Rings 78 Double Unders *Cash Out: 50 Bicep Curls and 50 Skull Crushers 45/33Read More
Olympic Lifting Build to heavy complex: -Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS -Jerk w/ pause in dip: 2-2-2-2 Endurance: AMRAP 35 Minutes- Perform Movements in Any Order 600m Run 3 Rounds of Cindy 40/30 Cal Row 3 Rounds of Cindy 30/20 Cal Ski 3 Rounds of Cindy 10 Cal Bike 3 Rounds of Cindy...Read More
Crossfit Total Chaos -Movements can actually be done in any order 0:00-15:00 Work Up To a Heavy Front Squat @15:00 Run or Row 400m as fast as possible 17:00-32:00 Work Up To a Heavy Strict Press (From the Floor) @32:00 Run or Row 400m as fast as possible 34:00-49:00 Work Up to a Heavy Power...Read More