
Front Squat 5X3 Then…. Tabata Help Me Tom Cruise 8 rounds of 20 seconds of max effort followed by 10 seconds rest 10m Bear Crawl-palms must be on the floor Front Squats 135/95 Box Jumps 24/20 KB Push Press 53/36 -2 kettlebells   Our very own Jon Pinca has started his own Salmon Jerky company,...
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  For time: 75 Handstand push-ups At the beginning of each minute perform 20 Double-unders. Congratulations to D-truck for completing his CF Level 1 trainer certification!
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For Time: 100 “Body Blasters” 1 Body Blaster = Burpee – Pull-up – Knees 2 Elbow Every 20 reps 200m Run or 200m row 🙂
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All classes are a GO. 8am, 9am and 10am open gym are all still on. Be safe on the roads if you are coming to visit us.   “Wittman” Seven rounds for time of: 15 Kettlebell swing  (53/35) 15 Power clean  (95/65) 15 Box jumps (24″ /20″) Post time to comments:  
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Three rounds for time of: 50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Right arm 30 Supine Ring Rows 50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Left arm 30 Tuck jumps
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Push Press 3×3 Then: 3 Rounds: 10 Ground to Overhead 155/85 30 Wall Balls 50 pushups Strength Class Press 5×1 Push Press 5×3 Post loads and time to comments:    
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Deadlift 7×2 Then: 7 Rounds of 10 Deadlifts (185/135) 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 10 Toes to Bar Post loads and Times to comments:
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Front Squat 3×3 with 3 second pause on all reps Then….. Pausey Fran 15-12-9 Thruster (pause at the bottom of each thruster for 2 seconds) 115/85 Pullup (pause with chin over bar on each pullup for 2 seconds) Cash Out: 100 Double Unders  
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Weighted Pull-up 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Three rounds for time of: 35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm 15 Touch & Go’s 35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm 15 Toes to bar
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10AM Olympic Lifting Class 11AM Endurance Class Run 400m @ 75% – rest 2 minutes. Run 400m @ 85% – rest 3 minutes. Run 400m @ 90% – rest 4 minutes. Run 400m – all out. Then 5 rotated rounds tabata-ed of: Weighted lunges 45/25 Deadlift 225/185 Push ups (STRICT!) Post results to comments:
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