
OHS:15 minutes to establish a 1RM Then… “DT” 5 Rounds 12 Deadlifts, 155/105 9 HPC, 155/105 6 Push Jerks, 155/105 In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan...
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Partner Barbara 10 Rounds: 20 pullups 30 Pushups 40 Situps 50 Air Squats *Partner A will start Round 1 of the workout . Partner B cannot start until partner A is finished the first 20 pull-ups. Partner B may not start the next movement until partner A is finished the required rep scheme for that...
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Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1 Then Power Elizabeth 21-15-9 Power Clean 135/95 Ring Dips 7:30 Strength Class Front Squat 3×5 Hang Clean 3×3 Post loads and times to comments:
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Snatch: 20 minutes to establish a 1RM max (anyway) Then… 12 Min AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 Pistols, alt leg 15 KB Swings, 53/35   REMINDER: Our Halloween party is this Friday from 6pm-10pm. Dress up and bring your best chili!        
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Back Squat 3-3-3 Then…. Cash in: 200m Run with Bar 135/95 3 Rounds 15 Thrusters 135/95 7 Toe Though Ring Muscle Ups 10 Back Squats Cash Out: 200m Run with Bar   T Mobile got her first pullup!!!    
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For 10 min find a 1Rep Max Push Jerk. Then: 3 Rounds for time 10 reps Push Press (65% of 1RM Push Press / Jerk) 10 Over-box jumps (Jump completely over the box or scale to touching the top of box as you jump) 20″/ 16″ Post time and loads to comments BTW take the...
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Thanks to everyone who donated, participated and came out to support at Barbells for Boobs! It was a great day with over 60 participants!! We raised over $700 just on Saturday morning alone! Congrats to all the winners! Master’s Women: Janice Baker 4:41 Master’s Rx Master’s Men: Ron Sutton from CFDV 3:01 Master’s Rx Overall...
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10am: Open Gym 11am: Endurance “Snatching Abbate” Run 1 Mile 21 Snatches, 155/115 Run 800m 21 Snatches Run 1 mile Thanks to everyone who came out to support Barbell’s for Boobs. We raised well over $4,245.00  and still counting.
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BarBell F0r Boobs/ Amazing Grace 30 Clean and Jerks for Time  (135#/95#) Registration@ 9am First Heat  Starts @ 10am Heats will run every 20 minutes.     Come out to CFWC tomorrow and support a great cause, BarBell For Boobs.    There is still time to Register and donate online. There will be a number of...
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