WWPF 12 Min AMRAP 100 KB Snatch, 70/53 (Mix Anyway) Max OH Carry Relay (100m) 12 Min AMRAP 80 Sandbag Ground 2 Over the Shoulder, 100/75 (mix anyway) Max sandbag carry Relay (100m) 12 Min AMRAP 500 Double Unders (mix anyway) Max Cal Bike Relay (10/8 cal) *2 min rest between AMRAP’sRead More
Strict Press: 1 Rep Max Then… 5 Min AMRAP 400m Run Max Burpees —————Rest 2 Min—————— 5 Min AMRAP 400m Run Max Box Jumps, 24″/20″ —————Rest 2 Min—————- 5 Min AMRAP 400m Run Max Burpee Box Jumps, 24″/20″Read More
Front Squat: Work up to a heavy single then, 3×2 @95% Then…. 15.5 W/DB’s 27 Cal Row or Ski 27 DB Thrusters, 50’s/35’s 21 Cal Row or Ski 21 DB Thrusters 15 Cal Row or Ski 15 DB Thrusters 9 Cal Row or Ski 9 DB ThrustersRead More
Pick Your Poison: Choose 1 of 2 Workouts AMRAP 35 Minutes-Movements can be done in any order 30 Wall Balls 25 Pushups 20/15 Cal Bike 15 Burpees 10 Strict Pullups 800m Run OR………………… Mix Any Way: 75 Burpee Pullups and 150 Wall Balls Every 5 Minutes run 400mRead More
FOR TIME: 400m Farmers Carry, 70’s/53’s (around building) Then… Deadlift 10,000lbs Pick one of the following weights to complete, or pick your own 95lb x 96 reps = 10,0000 135lb x 75 reps = 10,000 185lb x 55 reps = 10,000 225lb x 45 reps = 10,000 Then… 400m Prowler Push, HEAVY (around building)Read More