
Strength With a partner,  15 minutes to find a 1rm Ground to OH Then… Partner AMRAP in 20 Minutes 150 Double Unders *Rope Climb (each partner) 100 KB Swings, 53/35 *Rope Climb (each partner) 50 Ground To OH, 135/95 *Rope Climb (each partner) *Both partners must complete the rope climb before moving onto the next...
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DeadLift 5×3 Then 12 Min AMRAP 3 Deadlift 275/185 5 Burpees 7 KettleBell Swings 2pood/1.5pood 9 Situps Post times and Loads to Comments:
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7 Min EMOM: 3 Hang Power Snatches + 1 OHS Then… 3 Rounds: 50 Air Squats 7 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Hang Power Snatches, 135/95 Mobility Class Tues/Thurs at 5pm  
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Work up to a 1 RM of the following complex: 1 Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Shoulder to Overhead Then…… 7 Rounds 7 Power Cleans 135/95 7 Front Squats 7 Toes to Bar 7 Chest to Bar Pullups Beers doing some muscle ups!  
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1RM 20m Weighted Walk. This will be like the stimulus of a Yoke Walk. You’ll load a bar with weight on a rack, take the weight for a walk up the box and back to the rack. 4 Rounds of 6 Skin-the-cats (RX Movement from a ring height that feet don’t touch, scale leverage i.e....
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10am: Olympic Lifting 11am: Endurance 5 Attempts: 1 Clean 3 Front Squats 1 Jerk 3 Back Squats 1 Jerk THEN… 3 Rounds 5 MU 50 Air Squats The Ninja Turtle rocking out the KB Swings during Donkey Kong
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Strength Back Squat: 3 X 5 Then… Donkey Kong 21-15-9 KB Swings, 53/35 (Scale Pullup bars, run up stairs) Burpees Box Jumps, 24/20 8AM: CrossFit Beginners 9AM: CrossFit 10AM: Open Gym
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3 Rounds : 1a. Max Effort Press,  use 75% of 1RM 1b. Max Effort Pullups (Kipping only after M.E. Strict Pullups) *Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds Then… 12 Min AMRAP: 3 Wall Climbs 6 Deadlift, 275/205 9 Toes Through Rings Happy Birthday to Coach Kenny!    Partner Friday will be back next week:)    ...
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Clean 5×2 Then Valentine Special Couple’s Karen Meets Grace 150 Wall Balls 30 Clean and Jerks No Rest Valentine After Hours Couple’s Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters Pullups *Karen Meets Grace – Team of two will perform all 150 wall balls. The Couple may break this up any way they see fit.  Couple moves to Grace once...
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7 Minute EMOM: 3 Hang Squat Snatch, heavy Then… *Cash In: 400m run 12-9-6-3 Squat Snatch, 115/75 Burpee C2B Pull-up *Cash Out: 400m run Don’t forget to sign up for the CrossFit Open. Go to    
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