
3x 500m Row Sprints 3x Max strict Pullups (No kip. If you don’t have strict pullups, use a band or do ring rows) Then… The Mike Mckenna AMRAP in 12 Minutes 3 Cleans, 185/135 6 KB Swings, 70/53 9 Double Unders     Happy birthday to Mike McKenna!!      
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“Barbarella” 3 Rounds for time. 20 Barbell Rows 30 Barbell Floor Presses 40 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups 50 Back Squats Rest 3 min…repeat 115/75 lbs   This is a take on the CrossFit Main Site Benchmark WOD “Barbara”  it is a body-weight workout with 5 rounds of 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 sit-ups and 50 Air Squats.  If...
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9 am-Yoga 10 am -Olympic Lift class with Coach Ryan (snatch and snatch pull work) 11 am- Endurance with Coach Brian   In 10 Minutes 1 Mile Run Max Rep box jumps with remaining time 24/20 3 Minute Rest In 10 Minutes 1 Mile Run Max Rep Burpees with remaining time 3 Minute Rest In...
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4 Rounds 1 minute at each station (Like Fight Gone Bad) Prowler for distance 135/95 Bar Muscle Ups Jumping Squats 45lbs Push Ups Row for Calories 1 Minute after each 5 minute round Andrew Mcfall, aka Buttercup at Rally in the Valley  
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Back Squat: 3-3-3 (85%-90%) Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 100 Pullups 30 Ground to OH, 135/95 100 Situps 20 Ground to OH, 155/105 100 Push ups 10 Ground to OH, 185/125 1000 M Row *1 person works at a time                       THEN                          ...
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Janice is one of our very 1st members and still with us today! Happy Birthday!
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Push Press 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Then 3 Rounds 50 Double Unders 15 Kettle Bell Swings 2pood/1.5pood 15 Hand Stand Pushups 7:30 Strength 5-5-5 Front Squat 3-3-3 Bench Press 1-1-1 Power Clean Post Loads and Times to Comments: Open registration for the 2014 Games will be in one week.  1/15/14.     We would love for ALL members of CFWC to...
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EMOM 7 Min: Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + 2 Jerks, AHAP Then… Death By…. Power Clean, 135/95 Burpee Over Bar *Even Min: Power Clean *Odd Min: Burpees over bar EX: Min 0:00 = 1 power clean Min 1:00 = 2 Burpees Min 2:00 = 3 Power cleans ect… Bundle Up!      ...
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EMOM 7 Snatch (squat for all 3) Hang Snatch (pause 2 sec at knee before snatch) Hi Hang Snatch (pause 2 sec at mid thigh before snatch) Then… 3 Rounds 5 Ring Muscle Up 7 Snatch (any way) 135/95   Caitlin with Christy Phillips Adkins
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THE Bear Complex With a Barbell complete 7x Power Clean        Front Squat        Push Press        Back Squat        Push Press 5 Rounds – Rest as much as needed between rounds.  Post loads. WOD DEMO
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