WOD 1/10/14


WOD 1/10/14

Back Squat: 3-3-3 (85%-90%)


“Wacky Wiser Partner Friday”

100 Pullups

30 Ground to OH, 135/95

100 Situps

20 Ground to OH, 155/105

100 Push ups

10 Ground to OH, 185/125

1000 M Row

*1 person works at a time

                      THEN                                                     NOW

steak and eggs before

steak n eggs after











ABOVE: Rob Heigl (Steak N Eggs) before he started at CrossFit West Chester to present day. Nice Job!

4 Responses

  1. Steak N Eggs

    I did the work but you guys showed me the way! Thanks to the coaches and all of the athletes at CFWC for the inspiration, encouragement and camaraderie. CFWC rocks!

  2. fancy 8.3

    Holy Guacamole, Batman! I have been at it 2 years, lost a bunch of inches from the middle but not enough as yet…., weight stayed the same though pants size decreased. Gravity is not my friend.
    You are awesome, I salute you !