WWPF – 2 Rounds (36 Min CAP) 1000m Row (Switch EMOM) 30 Hang Cleans, 135/93 10 Ring Muscle Ups (mix reps anyway) 1000m Row (Switch EMOM) 30 Front Squats, 135/93 10 Ring Muscle Ups 1000m Row (Switch EMOM) 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 10 Ring Muscle Ups
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AMRAP 10 Minutes 15 Ring Pushups 15 Wall Balls 12’/10′ AMRAP 10 Minutes 15 Cal Bike 15 Cal Ski 15 Cal Row AMRAP 10 Minutes 15 GHD Sit Ups or Weighted Sit Ups 15 Leg Raises 45s Hollow Body or Plank Hold
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Deadlift: Find 1RM Then… 16 Min AMRAP 5 Deadlift, 225/153 50 Double Under 12 Toes 2 Bar
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Hang Snatch 1-1-1 Then…. 30-20-10 Hang Snatch 95/63 OHS Cal Bike
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3 Rounds 10 DB/KB Hang Squat Cleans, 53/35 200m Run or Row 10 Target Burpees 2 Rounds 15 DB/KB S2OH, 53/35 300m Run or Row 15 Pull-ups 1 Round 30 DB/KB Squat C&J 600m Run or Row 30 Burpee Pull-ups
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Olympic Lift Technique with Jess: -Clean with pause 2″ off floor 5×1 @85%+ -Zombie Squat 3×5 -Bulgarian Split Squat 3×8 Endurance WOD: Run 1 Mile or Row 2k 100 Walking Lunges 75 KB Swings 50 Weighted Sit Ups 25 Burpee Box Jumps Run 1 Mile or Row 2k
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Starting with a 6-minute time cap,complete as many reps as possible of:5 wall walks50 double-unders15 snatches (weight 1)5 wall walks50 double-unders12 snatches (weight 2)*If completed before the 6-minute timecap, add 3 minutes to the time cap andcomplete:20 strict handstand push-ups50 double-unders9 snatches (weight 3)*If completed before the 9-minute timecap, add 3 minutes to the time...
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Open WOD Prep: EMOM 10 Minutes 20 Double Unders + 1 Snatch (increase weight every round) Then….. AMRAP 18 Minutes-Relay Style 5 Sandbag Over Shoulder 100′ Farmer Carry 53s/35s 1 Rope Climb 18′
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10 Minutes Handstand Walk Practice AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Handstand Pushups 10 Strict Pullups 15 Alt DB Hang Snatch 50/35 AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Ring Dips 10 DB Push Press 50/35 15 Cal Ski or 400m Run
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Deadlift Deload: 5 x 5 @ 75-80% Then… 18 Min Ladder: 5-10-15-20-25….. Russian KB Swings Pistol Box Jump Overs, 20/14
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