Barbara 5 Rounds 20 Pulllups 30 Pushups 40 Sit Ups 50 Air Squats *Rest 3 Minutes between rounds* The objective is to sprint each round as fast as possible with QUALITY reps, rest 3 minutes and keep each round consistent.Read More
WWPF – 36 min cap 150 Wall Ball Shots 100/80 Cal Bike *Both Partners work at the same time but on different movements 400 Double Unders 100/80 Cal Ski *Both Partners work at the same time but on different movements 50 Muscle-ups (scale w/75 burpee pull-ups) 100/80 Cal Row *Both Partners work at the same...Read More
0:00-10:00 Work up to Heavy Hang Snatch 12:00-22:00 Sled Sprints 50m 45/25 Walk Back Recovery 24:00-34:00 AMRAP 10 Minutes 15 Hand Release Pushups 30 Split Squats 73/53 40 Sit Ups or abs of your choiceRead More