
One of our members, Liz Dols, otherwise known to the 7:30am beginners class as “Pineapple” is currently undergoing another battle in her life. This weekend, we got the sad news that a tumor has been spotted in the left rear of her brain. She will be undergoing brain surgery early this week. As many of...
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10am: Oly Lifting Class 11am: Endurance For Time: 20 Hang Squat Snatches 115/75# 50 Double-Unders 30 KB Thrusters 24/16kg 50 Double-Unders 40 T2B 60′ Burpee Broad Jumps 40 BB Step-Ups 20″ 115/75# (front rack, alternating legs) 50 Double-Unders 30 Double KB Snatches 24/16kg 50 Double-Unders 20 Bar Muscle-Ups CFWC was proudly representing Saturday at the...
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Over Head Squats 5×3 Then AMRAP in 12 Min of: 30 OverHead Squats 95/65 40 Burpees 50 situps Post Loads and Rounds to Comments:
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3 Rounds: Row 500m 30 Hollow Body Rocks Then… The Mark Janus (Partner Style) 42-30-18 Hang Power Clean, 135/95 Front Squat Push Jerk Happy Birthday Mark Janus!  
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Deadlift 3-3-3 Then 5 Rounds 10 Deadlift 225/155 10 Pullups 10 Box Jumps Strength Bench Press 5×5 Post loads and time to comments:
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7 Min EMOM: Snatch grip deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + OHS, heavy Then… 21-15-9 Power Snatch, 115/85 Burpees, (both hands must touch an object about 2-3″ above highest reach. Use rings or pullup bar) Cash Out: 3 Rope Climbs Need a lift?  (Above: Fancy Nancy and Pineapple on partner Friday)        ...
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Sorry for any inconvenience but there will be NO kids Class today.
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Strict Press 3-3-3 Then…. Nate AMRAP 20 Minutes 2 Muscle Ups 4 HSPU 8 KB Swings 70/53       Happy birthday to the late, great Martin Luther King, Jr
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ME Push-ups in 1 min ME Sit-ups in 2 min ME Pull-ups in 1 min Then: 100 Double-Unders 25 Wall Balls 20/14# 75 Double-Unders 25 Wall Balls 20/14# 50 Double-Unders 25 Wall Balls 20/14#
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10am: Olympic Lifting 11am: Endurance 5 Rounds 8 Hang Squat Clean thrusters, 135/95 12 Burpee over-the-box jumps, 24/20 16 KB swings, 53/35  
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