Front Squat: Establish 3 Rep Max Then…. WWPF For Time: 400m Med Ball Run Relay (Switch every 200m) 300 Double Unders (Switch every 50 DU) 50 Thrusters, 95/63 (Mix anyway) 400m Med Ball Run Relay 200 DU 30 Thrusters, 135/83 400m Med Ball Run Relay 100 DU 10 Thrusters,...Read More
Press: 5-5-5 L-Sit: 3 x M.E. Then… For Time: 400m Run 40 Pistols, alt 30 Alt DB Snatches, 50/35 3 Legless Rope Climb 300m Run 30 Pistols, alt 20 Alt DB Snatches 2 Legless Rope Climb 200m Run 20 Pistols 10 Alt DB Snatches 1 Legless Rope Climb ...Read More
15 Minutes to a heavy Clean and Jerk Then…. 12 Clean and Jerk 185/123 7 Bar Muscle Ups 8 Clean and Jerks 205/143 7 Bar Muscle Ups 6 Clean and Jerks 225/163 7 Bar Muscle Ups Read More
Back Squat 5 – 5 – 5 at 80% of 1RM then: 18 Minute EMOM: 1st Min. Max shuttle run (run from pull-up bars to other side and use the entire minute to shuttle run, touching the ground on every turn around) 2nd Min. 10 burpee box jump overs (24/20) *set a 40 second cap...Read More
9am-11am Open Gym 10am Olympic Lift Class 11am-Endurance Choose Your Own Adventure In any order: 1 Mile Run 1 Mile Row 400m Farmer Carry 70s/53s 100 Sit Ups 10 Power Snatches 135/93 10 Clean and Jerk 135/93Read More
Press: 3-3-3 (80 – 85% of 1RM) Then… 5 Rounds 10 HSPU (first 5 must be strict) 14 Alt Front Rack Lunges (in place), 95/63 1 minute Front Plank, 25/15 (Weight must be taken off your bar each time) * you must accumulate 1 minute of front plank after...Read More