
10am: Olympic Lifting Class 11am: Endurance Class For Time: 10 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20 20 BW Squats 20 burpees 20KB C&J 30 BW Squats 30 Burpees 30 KB C&j
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8am-Beginner’s Class 9am- Crossfit Class 10-11am- Open Gym (Open gym will end at exactly 11am today) 7-10pm-Christmas Party at Iron Hill Brewery Christmas Party Gone Wrong (to be run like Fight Gone Bad) 1 Minute for max effort at each station, 3 rounds Prowler Push Box Jumps 24″ for all 10m Run Push Press 95/65...
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Complete the Following with a Partner: 42 Front Squats, 155/115 42 Pull-up, strict 150 DU 30 Front Squats 30 Pull-ups, strict 150 DU 18 Front Squats 18 Pull-ups, strict 150 DU *Mix the reps up anyway REMINDER: OUR HOLIDAY PARTY IS SATURDAY DECEMBER 15 at Iron Hill Brewery. Remember there is a Secret Santa with...
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Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 Then: “J.T.” 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups Ring dips Push-ups Strength Class Deadlift 5×5 Post loads and time to comments:
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10 Min EMOM: Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance, HEAVY Then… 12 Min AMRAP: 50ft OH Walking Lunges, 45/25 10 Burpees 1 Rope Climb   HAPPY BIRTHDAY “WILL THE THRILL”!
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Test: 20 Minutes to find 1 RM Clean and Jerk Then……. AMRAP 3 Minutes 3 Cleans @ 75% (any kind of clean from the ground) 5 Ring Push Ups Then…….. AMRAP 7 Minutes 5 Hang Squat Cleans @ 65% 60 Meter  Shuttle Run (to 10m and 20m)   Marco at 285 on the Clean and...
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Choose “Cindy” or “Mary” 5min AMRAP – Cindy= 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups and 15 squats / Mary= 5 HSPU’s 10 one-legged squats 15 pull-ups rest exactly 2 min and repeat 3 more times. Post Reps for each of the FOUR 5 min AMRAP and post total reps.  Compare to your last Cindy Mary numbers.
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2:00mins of Wall Ball 20/14 then right into: 3 x (Front Squat +  R Leg Box Step Ups in Front Squat position + Front Squat + L Leg Step Up) 115/95, 20″ 50 Double Unders 3 x (Front Squat +  R Leg Box Step Ups in Front Squat position + Front Squat + L Leg...
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“Diannie” (Diane meets Annie CFWC style) 50 Double Unders 9 Deadlift 9 Hand Stand Pushups 50 Situps 40 Double Unders 9 Deadlift 9 Hand Stand Pushups 40 Situps 30 Double Unders 9 Deadlift 9 Hand Stand Pushups 30 Situps 20 Double Unders 9 Deadlift 9 Hand Stand Pushups 20 Situps 10 Double Unders 9 Deadlift...
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Snatch: 15 min to establish a 1RM Then… 12 Min Partner Ladder (3-6-9-12-15….) Power Snatch, 75/55 Burpee *Each partner will  complete 3 power snatches & 3 burpees, then 6 &6, 9&9, ect. 1 bar per team. You may only move as fast as both partners work.  Make sure you pull your weight on Partner Friday...
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