Body WT Bench Press: 3 x Max Effort Strict Chin ups: 3 x Max Effort Then… Tabata Fight Gone Bad 8 Rounds of 20 sec on, 10 sec off for each exercise Row For Cal Push Press, 75/53 Box Jump, 20″ Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 ...Read More
Find a 2 rep max Back Squat then complete 2 more sets of 2 reps at 90 % Then: 12 min AMRAP 1 rope climb 15′ 10 medball slams 20/14 10 medball jump squats Increase 1 rope climb each round.Read More
9am – 11am OPEN GYM 11am Enduro 30 MIN AMRAP: 40 DU 20 Situps 10 Burpee Pullups 5 Thrusters, 135/93 *1 min plank at minutes 6, 12, 18, 24 *Must row 1k during wod Our next New You Challenge is starting April 2nd! Read More
Bench Press: 4 X Max Effort reps at body wt (Goal 8-15 reps) Max Chin Ups 4 X Max Effort Then.. For Time: 100 DU 30 Wall Balls 9 Ring MU 30 Wall Balls 7 Ring MU 30 Wall Balls 5 Ring MU 100 DU ...Read More