Deadlift: Establish a heavy 6 rep Then, 1 x 6+ @90% Then…. FOR TIME: Complete in any order 50 Burpees 50 Toes 2 Rings 50 Weighted Lunges, 50’s/35’s OR Sandbag 100/53 50/35 Cal Bike 50 Russian Twists OR GHD Sit-upsRead More
EOMOM 14 Minutes Min 1: 45 Second Handstand Hold (advanced=freestanding) Min 2: 1 Snatch AMRAP 15 Minutes 400m Run 5 Snatch 155/113 5 OHS 155/113Read More
Olympic Lift Technique Class: -2 Jerk Dips with 2 second pause + 2 second Pause Jerk-Heavy Singles -EMOM 10 Minutes: 1 Snatch with Pause in Catch-Increase Weight Every Minute ENDURANCE WOD: AMRAP 32 Minutes This is my plate, there are many like it, but this one is mine-never put the plate down for the whole...Read More