In Teams of 4: 2 people work at a time with a pet rock, 70lb/53lb. The rock must be held during the entire workout. For Time 300 pullups 400m Run 400 Pushup 400m Run 500 Air Squats 400m Run 600 DU 400m Run
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Endurance 18 min AMRAP 30 SA DB Cleans, 50/35 15 Box Jumps, 24/20 30 SA Push Press, 50/35 15 Burpees 18 min AMRAP 40 Cal Ski or Bike 20 Toes 2 Bar or Situps 400m Run 20 Kb Swings
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Tabata Static Holds: Handstand Hold L Sit/LHang Bottom to Bottom Squat Chin Over Bar (Flex Arm Hang) Then…… 21-15-9-15-21 DB Hang Snatch to OH Lunge 50/35 Cal Ski or Bike
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WWPF – FOR TIME 40 Cleans, 185/123 200m Med Ball Run Relay, 20/14 (both run 200m) 40 Alt S2OH, 185/123 300m Med Ball Run Relay, 20/14(both run 300m) 40 MU (mix anyway) 400m Med Ball Run Relay, 20/14
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In Any Order: All for Quality of Movement AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Strict Chin Ups 10 Straight Bar Dips 20 Burpees In 10 Minutes: Run/Row/Bike or Ski as far as possible AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Barbell Rollouts 10 Russian Twists (20 Taps) or Side Bends with DB 15 GHD Sit Ups/V Ups/Medball Sit Ups
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Deadlift: 4 RM Then, 1 x 4+ @ 90% Then… MainSite WOD Wednesday 12 Min AMRAP 5 Deadlifts, 255/163 10 Box Step-ups, 50/35
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EOMOM 14 Minutes Odd Minutes: 45s Handstand Hold (advanced=freestanding) Even Minutes: 1 Snatch (Increase weight every minute) Then….. 400m Run 5 Snatch 165/113 10 Wall Climbs 15 HSPU 10 Wall Climbs 5 Snatch 165/113 400m Run
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Front Squat: Wk 4 3 x 3 @ 90% Then, 12 Min Ladder: 2-4-6-8-10-12…. Barbell Lunge, 95/63 C2B Pull-ups
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Olympic Lifting Technique Snatch w/pause in catch: 5 singles > 75% Jerks: 2 dips w/pause plus 1 jerk Endurance 16 Min AMRAP – OUTSIDE400m OH Carry (switch arms as needed) Then, AMRAP for remaining time 30 Kb Swings 20 Goblet Squats 10 S2OH, 5/side 16 Min AMRAP – INSIDE 1000m Row Then, AMRAP for remaining...
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Eva Strong 5 rounds for time of: 24 double-unders 19 toes-to-bars 2 clean and jerks 205/153400-m run Mireles, 44, died on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, while shielding her fourth-grade students from a gunman at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Mireles’ co-teacher, Irma Garcia, and 19 students were also killed in the shooting. Mireles was...
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