a. Bench Press: Establish a 10 Rep Max Then, 1x Max Reps @90% b. Weighted Strict Pullup 3×5 Then….. AMRAP 16 Minutes 200m Sandbag Carry-Hold Any Way 15 C2B Pullups 50 Double Unders
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EMOM 10 1 pause clean (2″ off floor) + 1 Hang Clean + Jerk Then… For Time 30 Cleans, 135/93 800m Run 30 Jerks, 135/93 800m Run
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Back Squat 10-10-10 Then…. AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Ring Pushups 10 DB Hang Snatch (Heavy) 10 Cal Ski or Bike
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Olympic Lift Technique with Jess: -Snatch Pull + Below Knee Snatch + OHS 5×1 Then, as supersets: -Snatch Grip RDL 5×3@ 100% -Behind the Neck Sots Press 5×5 Endurance WOD: AMRAP 32 Minutes 30 Plate Squats 200m Run 30 Plate Sit Ups 200m Plate Run 30 Plate G2OH 200m SA Plate Pinch 30 Burpees onto...
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Deadlift: 3 x 3 @ 85-90% Then… For Time 400m Run 30 Pull-ups 12 Deadlifts, 255/173 400m run 20 Pull-ups 12 Deadlifts 400m Run 10 Pull-ups 12 Deadlifts
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Happy 56th to Michael and 29th to Jess!! AMRAP 29 Minutes 56 Synch Wall Balls 29 Cal Ski/Partner Accumulates Double Unders 56 Synch Push Press 115/73 29 Cal Bike/Partner Accumulates Double Unders 56 Synch Burpees 29 Cal Row/Partner Accumulates Double Unders
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Power Clean: Build to heavy 2 rep Then… For Time 400m Run 20 Power Cleans, 135/93 12 Alt Pistols 300m Run 15 Power Cleans 12 Alt Pistols 200m Run 10 Power Cleans 12 Alt Pistols 100m Run 5 Power Cleans 12 Alt Pistols
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a. Bench Press Test 1RM b. Weighted Strict Pullup Test 1RM Then…. 8 Minute Cap: 21-15-9 Cal Bike Thruster 95/63 Then…… 8 Minute Cap: 21-15-9 Toes to Bar Burpee Over Bar
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Build to a heavy snatch Then… 2 Rounds For Time 50 DB Snatches 400m Ski or Row 50 OH Lunges 400m Ski or Row 50 Box Jumps, 24/20
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Test: 1 RM Back Squat Then……. AMRAP 12 Minutes 1 Legless Rope Climb 15’/12′ 3 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups (sub=5 burpee pullups) 30 Double Unders
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