10 Min EMOM 2 Snatch + 1 OHS THEN… 3 Rounds 9 Power Snatches, 75/53 9 Burpees over Bar 2 Rounds 12 Power Snatches, 75/53 12 Pull-ups 1 Round 15 Power Snatches, 75/53 15 Burpee Pull-ups
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Bench Press 4RM Then 1xME @ 90% Strict Weighted Pullup 3×3 with 1-2 second pause Then……. 3 Rounds 20 Ring Pushups 30 Box Jumps 24/20 40 Barbell Lunges 75/53
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EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk Then……. Crossfit Open 18.1 AMRAP 20 Minutes 8 Toes to Bar 10 DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35 (one DB) 14 Cal Row or Ski
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Back Squat: 4-4-4 Then… 12 Min AMRAP 9 Thrusters, 115/83 7 OHS, 115/83 5 Bar MU
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Olympic Lifting 2 Clean Pulls + Clean : 5 x 1 @ 85%+ 2 Jerk Dips + 1 Jerk: 5 x 1 @ 80%+ Zombie Front Squat: 3 x 5 (go as heavy as possible keeping perfect technique) Then… Endurance 17 min AMRAP 30/25 Cal Ski 20 Box Jumps, 24/20 10 Alt Devils Press, 50/35...
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THE GHOST 6 rounds of:1 minute of rowing1 minute of burpees1 minute of double-unders1 minute rest Cashout Ab Circuit: AMRAP 10 Minutes 15 GHD Sit Ups or Weighted Sit Ups 15 Leg Raises 15 Turkish Sit Ups
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WWPF – Happy 50th to Ron AMRAP 12 Min 25 Deadlifts, 225/153 25 Planking Burpees AMRAP 12 Min 25 Hang Cleans, 165/113 25 C2B Pull-ups (Partner Hangs) AMRAP 12 Min 25 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/83 25 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
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To Be Completed In Any Order Legs-Giving 3 Rounds 100m Sled Push 20 Back Squats 115/83 Cores-Giving 3 Rounds 30 Sit Ups 15 Toes to Bar 10 Russian Twists (20 taps) Pulls-Giving 3 Rounds 20/15 Cal Ski 3 Rope Climbs 15′ Dessert 3 Rounds 20 Bicep Curls 45/33 20 Bent Over Rows 45/33 20 Strict...
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Bench Press: 4 RM Then, 1 x max reps @ 90% Weighted Pull-up: 3 x 3 @ 1 sec pause over bar Then… For Max Reps (complete in any order) 0:00-6:00 600m Run Max Sandbag G2OS, 100/75 6:00-12:00 600m Run Max Pistols 12:00-18:00 600m Run Max Burpees
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Snatch 1-1-1 Then…… 30 OHS 95/63 30 Pullups 20 OHS 115/83 20 C2B Pullups 10 OHS 135/93 10 Ring Muscle UPs *Super RX with 30 Pullups/20 Bar Muscle Ups/10 Ring Muscle Ups*
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