Bench Press: Test 1 RM Weighted Strict Pullup:Test 1RM Then…. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HSPU Chest to Bar Pullup *1 Rope Climb after each round 15′
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Work up to a heavy hang clean then… For Time: 30 Box Jumps, 24/20 21 Hang Cleans, 135/93 30 Box Jumps 15 Hang Cleans, 155/113 30 Box Jumps 9 Hang Cleans, 185/133
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Back Squat: Test 1 RM Then…… 8 Days of Hanukkah 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Snatch Grip Deadlift 115/83 Hang Snatch OHS
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Olympic Lifting Snatch w/ pause 2″ off the floor + hang Snatch: 5 x 1 Snatch Grip RDL: 3 x 8-10 (heavy) Snatch Balance: 3 x 3 Endurance 3 Rounds 50 Cyclist Squats, 53/35 (45/25 plate for heels) 25 Double Unders 40 Single Arm KB Swings, 53/35 25 Double Unders 30 Toes 2 Rings or...
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Hold That Thought AMRAP 35 Minutes 20 Cal Bike or 400m Run 2 Minute Wall Sit 20 Sandbag Squats 100/75 90 Second Sandbag Hold 20 KB Deadlifts 70s/53s 1 Minute Farmer Carry Hold 70s/53s 20 DB Push Press 50s/35s 45 Second Overhead Hold 50s/35s
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Happy 16th Birthday to Jojo The Pug!!! AMRAP 32 Minutes-Partner WOD 160 Double Unders (one partner at a time) 16 Synchronized DB Hang Snatch-Heavy 16 Cal Bike while partner does 16 Cal Ski, then switch 16 Ring Muscle Ups (one partner at a time) 160 Sit Ups (partner holds plank)
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EMOM 10 Min 2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk Then… 20 MIN AMRAP 5 Power Clean & Jerks, 135/93 10 Burpees over bar 15 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
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Bench Press 2-2-2 Then 1XME @90% Weighted Strict Pullup 3×2 with 1 second pause Then…….. AMRAP 16 Minutes 2 Rope Climbs 15′ 10 Decline Pushups (feet on 20/16 inch box) 20 Pistols
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Hang Power Snatch: Build to heavy 2 Then…. 30-20-10 Power Snatch, 95/63 Toes 2 Bar *CASH OUT: 12 MU Or Modify with 12 Burpee Pull-ups
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Back Squat 2-2-2 Then……. 3 Rounds 1000m Bike (.62 miles/1km) 75 Double Unders 20 Back Squats 115/83 (Can use rack)
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