Olympic Lift Technique Class: -1 Clean + 2 Jerk Dips + 1 Jerk- 5 Heavy Sets -EMOM 12 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull with pause in extension + 1 Hang Snatch-increase weight every minute Endurance WOD: Can be done straight through, or broken into rounds 10 Rope Climbs 15′ 20 Wall Climbs 30 Ring Dips 40...
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5 Rounds Max reps Bench Press, Men: BW / Women: 3/4 BW Max Pull-ups 400m Run or Row *Rest 2-3 min between Rounds
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WWPF – For Time 42 Power Snatches, 95/63 30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 50 Planking Burpees 30 Power Snatches, 135/83 30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 50 Alt Box Jumps 18 Power Snatches, 165/113 30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 50 Burpee Box Jumps, (Mix reps anyway)
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Tabata- 8 rounds 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest of each L Sit Hold Dead Hang Handstand Hold Bottom to Bottom Air Squat (Hold at Bottom) Then……. AMRAP 13 Minutes 5 HSPU-Super RX with Chest to Wall HSPU 10 Toes to Bar 20 SA OH Lunge-Heavy
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Deadlift: 3 x 6 @ 80-85% (3 sec eccentric) Dip: 3 x 10 (3 sec eccentric / add wt if needed) Then… 3 Rounds: 75 Double Unders 7 Ring MU 10 Deadlifts, 255/173
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EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Clean Pull + 1 Clean and Jerk Then…… For Time (Happy Birthday Coach Amie): 29 Hang Cleans, 115/83 29 Cal Bike 29 Shoulder 2 OH, 115/83 29 Cal Ski 29 Hang Clean and Jerk, 115/83 29 Cal Row
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Front Squat: 3 x 5 @ 80-83% (3 sec pause) Then… 15 Min AMRAP Ladder 15/12 Cal Row or Ski Burpee Step-over Ladder, 50/35 = 4-8-12-16-20…..
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Olympic Lifting -Snatch Pull + low Hang Snatch : 5 x 1 @ 75%+ -12 MIN EMOM 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk Endurance For Time (40 Min CAP) 600M Run 300 Double Unders 150 Lunges 75 KB Swings, 53/35 50/40 Cal Bike or Ski 20 Burpee Pull-ups *RUN 400M @ 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, 20:00, 25:00,...
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Jenny’s Birthday WOD with her best friend, Brian For Time: In Any Order 42 Burpees 42 Toes to Bar 42 Split Squats 75/53 42 DB Bench Press (2DB) 42 DB Hang Clean (2DB) 42 DB Squats (2DB) 42 Cal Ski *5 Wall Climbs after the completion of each movement*
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WWPF AMRAP 30 60 Russian Kb Swings, 70/53 (partner holds KB) 200m Synchronized SA Farmers Carry, 70/53 60 Box Step-overs, 70/53 (partners holds KB) 200m Synchronized SA Farmers Carry 60 Sumo Deadlift HP (Partner holds KB) 200m Synchronized SA Farmers Carry
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1 62 63 64 65 66 151