Olympic Lift Technique: -Snatch Pull to Knee + Snatch Pull to Power Position + Full Snatch 5×1 above 80% -Pause Jerk 5×1-Heavy Father’s Day Endurance WOD: AMRAP 12 Minutes Run 200m/walk 100m AMRAP 12 Minutes Farmer Carry Sled Pull-Perform 10 burpees after each 100m AMRAP 12 Minutes Hard Cindy 5 Weighted Strict Pullups 10 Decline...
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Deadlift: 5(80%+)- 3(85%+)- 1 (90%+) Then…. From The Main Site For Time: 45 Kb Swings 400m Run 35 Kb Swings 800m Run 25 Kb Swings 1200m Run 15 Kb Swings RX: 53/35
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WWPF 10 Min AMRAP – 1 partner runs 400m and the other accumulates max wall balls. Switch when the 400m is completed 400m Run Max Wall Balls, 20/14 10 Min AMRAP – 1 partner rows 500m and the other accumulates max devils press. Switch when the 500m row is competed 500m Row Max SA Devils...
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EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS Then…… 3 Rounds-25 Minute Cap 50 Double Unders 10 Strict Pullups 3x Snatch Complex (1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS) 155/103 800m Run
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Bench Press: 3 x 6 (no pause) *Follow each set with max push-ups 4 Rounds: For Max Reps 1 Min Max Sandbag Ground to OH, 100/75 1 Min Cal Ski 1 Min Target Burpee 1 Min Toes 2 Rings *1 Min Rest after each round
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Hang Power Clean 1-1-1 Then…… Not Nate AMRAP 20 Minutes 2 Ring Muscle Ups 4 Strict HSPU 8 Hang Power Cleans 135/93
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Back Squat (wk3): 15 Min to establish an 8RM Then, 2 x 8 Split Squat / leg @ 40% Mainsite WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Sumo Deadlift Highpull, 95/63 Lateral Hurdle Jump, 24″/20″
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Olympic Lift Technique: -Pause Snatch 2-2-2 -EMOM 12 Minute Clean and Jerk-Increase weight every minute -Clean Grip RDL 5-5-5 Endurance WOD: Jack the Pup AMRAP 35 Minutes 25 Wall Balls 25 Burpees 100m Sandbag Carry 100m Plate Pinch 400m Run 1 Rope Climb 18′
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Thruster: Work up to a 2RM Then… “Jackie” For Time 1000m Row 50 Thrusters, 45lb 30 Pull-ups
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WWPF: 35 MIN AMRAP 60 Cal Row (Switch EMOM) 25/25 DU Relay 50 Push Press, 115/73 (mix reps anyway) 25/25 DU Relay 40 Synchronized KB Swings, 70/53 25/25 DU Relay 30 Toes 2 Rings (15/15 relay style 25/25 DU Relay
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