8am: Virtual Yoga 9am: Weightlifting Technique with TJ 10:15am: Endurance with TJ Endurance WOD: In Any Order Run or Row 1.5 Miles (2400m) AMRAP 13 Minutes 5 Ring Pullups 10 Toes Through Rings 15 Wall Balls Complete the following any way: 100 Pushups 100 Bicep CurlsRead More
Establish a 1 RM Clean and Jerk Then….. 20 Minute EMOM: 1 deadlift + squat clean + 1 front squat + 1 split jerk (75% of 1 RM) *complex must be unbroken **scale to be able to do all 20 minutes UNBROKEN ***Compare to 2/3/18 and 1/6/18Read More
Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 x 12 SA High Pull: 3 x 12 Then… 13 Min Ladder Kb Clean and Jerk, 70/53 (2-4-6-8-10-12…) 4 Sandbag Step-overs after each round, 100/75Read More
8am- Virtual Yoga with Brantlee 9am- Weightlifting Technique with Amie 10:15am- Endurance with Amie Endurance WOD: In Any Order: 12 Minute Run or Row 12 Minute AMRAP 10 SA KB Floor Press per Arm 15 KB Taters 20 SA KB Push Press (10/arm) 12 Minute AMRAP 20 Plate Ground to OH 45/25 20 Burpees onto...Read More