EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull with 2 Second Pause+ 1 Snatch Then…… Crossfit Open 13.1 17 Minute AMRAP 40 burpees30 snatches 75/4330 burpees30 snatches 135/7320 burpees30 snatches 165/9810 burpeesAs many snatches as possible 210/118
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Sumo Deadlift (WK 5) Build to a heavy 4RM (3 sec neg) Drop 15-20lb and do 1 x 8-12 reps (3 sec neg) Betty White WOD – RIP 1/17/22-12/31/21 17 MIN AMRAP 1 Legless Rope Climb 17 DB Push Press PER arm , 50/35 22 SA OH Lunges, 50/35 99 Double Unders
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Olympic Lifting -Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk Build to heavy – High Hang Squat Snatch Moderate/2 x 4 Endurance In Any Order: Running clock, no rest between AMRAP 12 Minutes 100m Sprint 100m Jog or Walk AMRAP 12 Minutes 100′ OH Plate Lunge 45/25 100′ Sandbag Carry 75/100 100′ Box Push with 45lb...
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AMRAP 30 Minutes 20 Burpees 22 Pullups 20 Box Jumps 24/20 22 Ring Dips 20 Cal Bike or Ski 22 Front Squats 135/93 600m Run or Row
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Wacky Wiser Partner Friday FOR TIME 400m Run Relay 100 Push-ups , mix reps anyway 42 Deadlifts, 225/153 400m Run Relay 60 DB Push Press, Switch every 15 30 Deadlifts 400m Run Relay 30 Wall Climbs, mix anway 18 Deadlifts
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0:00-12:00 Hang Power Snatch 14:00-26:00 Hang Power Clean 28:00-38:00 AMRAP 10 Minutes 20 Wall Balls 10 Toes to Bar *Score equals total lbs lifted + total reps*
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AMRAP 12 MIN 2K Row Max Rope Climbs in Remaining Time AMRAP 12 MIN 80/60 Cal Bike Max Sandbag Step-overs in Remaining Time, 100/75 (Box Knee HT) AMRAP 12 MIN 1600m Ski 30 Floor Press, 135/83 *Max Bicep Curls remaining time, 45/33
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Heavy Complex: 1 Clean + 3 Front Squats Then…. Happy 32nd birthday to Rob Lavoie and 9th birthday to Dookie the Killer Chihuahua 4 Rounds 8 Muscle Ups 8 Cleans (Squat) 165/113 E2MOM 9 Burpees for Dookie (Start with burpees)
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Sumo Deadlifts (WK 4) Build to heavy 6 rep max (3 sec neg) Then, take 15-20lb off the bar and do 2 sets @ 6-10 reps (3 sec neg) Then…. For Time 50 Double Unders 10 Kb Swings, 70/53 9 HSPU 100 DU 20 KB Swings, 70/53 15 HSPU 150 DU 30 KB Swings 21...
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Olympic Lifting: Snatch: 75%/3, 80%/2 , 85%/1 78-83%/ 3, 85-88%/2, 90-93%/1 Power Clean EMOM 3’s until you miss, 2’s until to miss, Singles for rest of way Endurance AMRAP 32 Minutes 5 Wall Climbs or 15 Pushups 10 Chest to Bar Pullups 20 DB Snatch (Heavy) 30 Burpees 40 Sit Ups 50 Air Squats 400m...
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