Pause Back Squat 3-3-3 (2 second pause on each) 80-85% Then…… 21 Cal Row/Ski 21 Thrusters 95/63 15 Cal Row/Ski 15 Thrusters 135/93 9 Cal Row/Ski 9 Thrusters 165/113Read More
Olympic Lifting -Snatch Pull to knee + pull to shrug + Snatch from Floor -Snatch Balance (wk 1) 4 sets of 3 (pause on every rep) Endurance AMRAP 35 Minutes 5 Strict Pullups(weighted super RX) 10 Dips (weighted super RX) 15 Burpee Box Jumps 20 Cal Row or Ski or 400m Run 25 Turkish Situps...Read More
EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk Then…… Crossfit Mainsite WOD: 6 rounds for time of: 5 hang power cleans 155/10310 weighted lungesRead More
Back Squat 3-3-3 With 2 second pause on each (80-85%) Then…… AMRAP 14 Minutes 40 Ring Pullups (Jess Leib) 14 Power Clean and Jerk 135/93 35 Ring Dips (Zannia) 14 Power Clean and Jerk *Max birthday Burpee Ring Muscle Ups with remaining time*Read More
Olympic Lifitng -Power Snatch w/pause in catch, then finish into squat 70-80%/1×4 -Clean Pull + Clean from 2 inches off floor Build to heavy Endurance 12 Min AMRAP “Flight Simulator w/Burpees” Double Unders 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 *5 Burpees after each increment of DU 12 Min AMRAP “Karen” 150 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 *Max Cal Bike w/remaining time...Read More