15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean and Jerk Then….. EMOM 20 Minutes-all 20 minutes to be done at 75% of 1 RM 1 Deadlift+ 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk *to be done as unbroken complexes* Compare in Zenplanner to 2/3/18Read More
Olympic Lifting For MOM -2 Snatch Pulls from low hang + 1 low hang snatch Build to a heavy complex -Jerk Start @75% and add 5% per lift. Continue until you make or miss 6 lifts. If you miss, finish remaining 6 lifts at whatever highest percentage you made. Bodybuilding for your mom: AMRAP 35...Read More
In Any Order: 1 Mile Run or 2K Row 150 Sit Ups 100 Barbell Lunges 95/63 (Super RX=Overhead) 75 Double KB Suitcase Deadlifts 70s/53s 50 Alt Pistols 25 Cal SkiRead More