
Happy Birthday Sam 5-5-3-3-3-1-1 Weighted Push-ups Then:   The Australian   AMRAP 11 Minutes 12 Deadlifts 275/185 12 Ring Pushups 12 Double Unders IF you were with us a year ago and posted to comments CLICK HERE
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10am: Olympic Lifting Class 11am: Endurance Class 5 Rounds 10 Back Squats (clean from ground), 185/135 1 0 KB Push Press, 53/35 (1kb each hand) 200m Run, 45/25 HAPPY VETERANS DAY!
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Barbara 5 Rounds 20 Pullups 30 pushups 40 situps 50 air squats Rest 3 min b/w rounds. Post Time for each round to comments:
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10 Min EMOM: Power Clean + HSC + Push Press Then… Partner AMRAP In 15 Minutes: 10 Thrusters, 135/95 15 C2B Pullups 20 KB Swings, 70/53 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO T-MOBILE!        
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Snatch Balance 3-3-3 Then: 5 Rounds 7 Power Snatch (95/65) 7 Snatch Balance (95/65) 7 Bar Facing Burpees 7:30 Strength class Over head Squat 5×3 Snatch balance 3×3 Post Loads and time to comments:
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For Time: 5-4-3-2-1 Full Snatch, 155/115 30 DU after each round of snatches ——-5 min break——– For Time: 1-2-3-4-5 C&J, Body Wt 30 DU after each round of C&J *This is a running clock for both workouts. Post total time with the 5min break included.  
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Front Squat 5×5 3 second pause on reps 1 and 5 Then…. 5 Rounds 10 Front Squats  135/95 4 Bar Muscle Ups (sub 2 Pullups, 2 Ring Dips) 200m Run (But it’s cold) Dress Appropriately    Dogfit West Chester with Tina and Laila    
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5 Rounds 5/5 1 arm KB clean & Jerk 36/24 kg 10 x 20m Shutle Run 15 T2B
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15 Minutes Max Run 1 Mile With remaining time: 3 RM Clean   15 Min Max Run 1200m 3 Rounds Max Effort Ring Digps 15 Minutes Max Run 800m 1 RM  Barbell Turkish Get Up        
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10 min to find a 1RM of One handed Deadlift 5 rounds of 5 Hanging ring extensions (right arm + left arm = 1) 10 Wall Climbs 15 V-ups
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