Bench Press: 3 x 5 (3 sec neg) Strict Pullup: 3 x M.E. (3 sec pause over bar) Then… AMRAP 14 Min 4 Ring MU 7 hang Power Cleans, 155/103 10 KB Swings, 70/53 DON’T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR KB KITCHEN MEALS FOR SUNDAY DROP OFFRead More
15 Minutes to a heavy jerk Then… 15 S2OH 155/103 30 Pistols 60 Over box jumps 24/20 30 Pistols 15 S2OH Immediately Following: 3 Minutes Max Rope Climbs The HutchRead More
Congrats to Paul, Steve, Dina & Kelly on a 1st place finish at Sunday’s comp the Ranger Games! Front Squat 3×5 (3 sec pause on reps 1-3-5) 12 min EMOM 30 sec max Double Unders 10 Toes to Bar 30 sec max Ring Dips Score total dubs & total dips Read More
9 am- 11am- Open Gym 10 am- Olympic Lifting 11 am- Endurance 8 Rounds Run 400m or row 500m (can switch every round) 5 Strict Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats How can you help get Marco to Regionals?? 1. Donate at the desk at the gym 2. Attend CFWC Team Training on Saturday the...Read More
WWPF 0:00 – 8:00 Establish a Max Hang Snatch 10:00 – 22:00 12 min AMRAP 30 Thrusters, 95/63 8 Alt Rope Climbs 24:00 – 32:00 8 min AMRAP Max Cal Row (partner holds pet rock) 25:00 – 30:00 Max Distance ...Read More
For Time: 125 DU 60 Kb Swings, 53/35 40 Pullups 20 OHS, 95/63 800m Run 20 OHS, 95/63 40 Pushups 60 Med Ball Situps, 20/14 125 DU Order Wednesday for Sunday night drop-offRead More
15 Minutes to a heavy Clean and Jerk Then….. 4 Rounds 3 Clean and Jerks 205/143 10 Strict HSPU 300m Run Meet Faith, CFWC member and owner of Steelehouse Nutrition in West Chester! Check out their website at More
Front Squat: 3 x 5 (3 sec pause on reps 1-3-5) 3 rounds for time 30 DB Alt Reverse lunges off a 45lbs plate 50/35 20 Single leg toes to bar 10 DB Push-ups (use your db to get a deeper range of motion chest touches deck)Read More