The Seven 7 Rounds for Time: 7 Handstand push-ups7 Thrusters 135/937 Knees to elbows or Toes to Bar7 Deadlifts 245/1737 Burpees7 Kettlebell swings 70/537 Pull-ups A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda....Read More
0:00-12:00 Work to a Heavy Snatch 12:00-24:00 Work to a Heavy Clean 26:00-36:00 AMRAP 10 Minutes-CFHQ Remix 2 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) 3 Power Snatch 155/103 4 Power Clean 155/103Read More
Front Squat: build to 1 rep max For Time 21 Hang Power Cleans, 135/93 30 Alt Pistols 12 C2B Pull-ups 15 HPC 20 Alt Pistols 12 C2B Pull-ups 9 HPC 10 Alt Pistols 12 C2B Pull-upsRead More
OLY-9:00am CleanHigh Hang Clean build to a heavy 3/2/1 reps max Jerk WavesWave 1: 75%/1, 80%/1, 85%/1 Wave2: 80%/1, 85%/1, 88-93%/1 Endurance – 10:15am 18 Min AMRAP – Outside 800m Run 50 Burpees 600m Run 50 Situps 400m Run MAX Air Squats 18 Min AMRAP – Inside 10 Rounds 10 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 20...Read More
Foose’s Odd Objects AMRAP 8 Minutes 8 Sandbag Ground to Over Shoulder 8 Sandbag Squats 1 Min Break AMRAP 8 Minutes 200m Run 100m Gun Carry 55/35 1 Min Break AMRAP 8 Minutes 100m Front Rack Carry 53s/35s 100m OH Carry 53s/35s 1 Min Break AMRAP 8 Minutes 10 Landmine Squat to Rotational Press 10...Read More