Sumo Deadlift (WK 3) Build to heavy 6 (3 sec eccentric) Then, drop weight 15-20lb and do 1 max set of 8-12 (3 sec eccentric) For Time 10 Deadlifts, 275/173 3 Toes 2 Bar 8 Deadlifts 6 Toes 2 Bar 6 Deadlifts 9 Toes 2 Bar 4 Deadlifts 15 Toes 2 Bar 2 Deadlifts 21...Read More
0:00-3:00 500m Row or Ski 3:00-15:00 Build to Heavy OHS 15:00 – 18:00 500m Row or Ski 18:00 -30:00 Build to Heavy Bench Press 30:00 – 33:00 500m Row or Ski 33:00 – 45:00 Build to Heavy Power CleanRead More
EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch Then….. Thursday Choose Your Own Adventure: Complete in rounds or straight through 25 Hang Snatch 135/93 50/40 Cal Bike 75 Burpees 100 SA DB Push Press (50 per arm)-Heavy 150 Double UndersRead More
Heavy Complex: 1 Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk Then…….. Inverse Function 15-12-9-6-3-2-1 Thruster 115/83 Handstand Pushup Cash Out: 100 Sit UpsRead More