15 Minutes to a Heavy Jerk Then…… 2 Rounds for Time 20 Push Press 95/63 300m Run 20 Front Squats 300m Run 20 Thrusters 300m Run
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Bench Press: 4 x 2 Strict Weighted Pull-up: 4 x 2 Then… 4 Min AMRAP 400m Run Max Ring Pull-ups 4 Min AMRAP 400m Run Max Ring Dips 4 Min AMRAP 400m Run Max Ring MU (modify w/burpee pull-ups) *2 min rest between AMRAP’s
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Work to a 5 RM Touch and Go Snatch Then….. AMRAP 18 Minutes 75 Double Unders 50 Sit Ups 25 DB Snatch-Heavy
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Back Squat (wk 3): 4 x 3 @ 85% THEN… Weighted Barbell Carry: 3 x 50′ @ 110% THEN… 10 Min Cindy Ladder: (1-2-3-4-5-6-7…..) 1 Pull-up 1 Push-up 1 Air Squat *increase by 1 rep every round
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Olympic Lifting –Power Clean w/pause in catch directly into a squat: 65%x3 , 70%x2, 75%x1 Then, 5 singles with no pause (full squat clean) building to heavy single – 10 Min Snatch EMOM – add weight every minute THEN…. ENDURANCE – Taters 12th Birthday Extravaganza 12 Min AMRAP Sprint 100m / Walk 100m 12 Min...
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Choose a Hero: McGhee Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:275/183 pound Deadlift, 5 reps13 Push-ups9 Box jumps, 24/20 Or……. Loredo 6 Rounds For Time24 Air Squats24 Push-Ups24 Walking Lunges400 meter Run
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WWPF – 32 min running clock 100m Farmers Carry Relay x 2 50 G2OH, 95/53 (mix anyway) 100m Farmers Carry Relay x 2 40 G2OH, 115/73 100m Farmers Carry Relay x 2 30 G2OH, 135/93 100m Farmers Carry Relay x 2 20 G2OH, 165/113 100m Farmers Carry Relay x 2 Max G2OH, 185/133
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AMRAP 15 Minutes 21 Russian Twists 15 GHD Situps or V Ups or Weighted Sit Ups 9 Toes to Ring Then….. 5 rounds for time of: From Crossfit Mainsite 3/22/22 15 barbell lunges 135/9375 double-unders
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Bench Press: 4 x 4 Weighted Pull-up: 4 x 3 Then… Complete Reps in any order: 100 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 100 Cal Row
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EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Clean Pull + 1 Clean + 1 Jerk Then…… 2 Rounds 30 Hang Cleans 135/93 5 Bar Muscle Ups 30 Jerks 135/93 5 Bar Muscle Ups
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