Barbell Glute Bridge (WK 1): Build to a heavy 10 Rep (1 second pause @ top / slower on the negative) Then… 3 Rounds 30 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 600m Run 30 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
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Work up Heavy in Complex: 3 Deadlifts 2 Hang Cleans 1 Jerk Then……. DT Remix: 5 Rounds 12 Deadlifts 155/103 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerks 3 Muscle Ups
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Overhead Squat 3×10 Then…. AMRAP 15 Minutes 30 DB Snatch 50/35 20 Cal Ski or Row 10 HSPU
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-Clean and Jerk – 5 heavy singles above 85% -Jerk Dips 3×5@100% Endurance: Can be broken into rounds, or done straight through 50/35 Cal Bike 60 Burpees 70 Russian KB Swings 53/35 800m Ski 90 Sit Ups 100 Back Squats 45/33 Run 1 Mile
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10 Min AMRAP Sled Push for Max Distance, 90/45 10 Min AMRAP 15 GHD Sit-ups 1:00 Sandbag Hold(bear hug), 100/75 10 Min CAP 30 Muscle-up for time or 50 Burpee Pull-ups
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3 Rounds 10 Synchronized T2B 20 Sandbag Lunges 50/50 Double Under Relay 2 Rounds 15 Synchronized T2B 30 Sandbag Lunges 75/75 Double Unders 1 Round 30 Synchronized T2B 60 Sandbag Lunges 150/150 Double Under Relay
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Snatch Complex: 1 Snatch,1 Hang Snatch, 1 OHS Then….. 2 Rounds 28 Power Snatch 95/63 28 OHS 95/63 28 Burpees Over Bar
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Bench Press: Build to a heavy 5 rep Then… Triple Baseline Test 3 Rounds For Time 500m Row/Ski 40 Squats 30 Sit-ups 20 Push-ups 10 Pull-ups
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Power Clean 2-2-2 Then….. AMRAP 14 Minutes 200m Run 10 Box Jumps 30/24 3 Power Cleans 225/143 Cash Out: 50 Bicep Curls 45/33
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Front Squat: Test 1 RM Then… 10 Min AMRAP 10 Burpee Pull-ups 10 Thrusters, 95/63
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1 80 81 82 83 84 151