Back Squat: 3 x 4 Then… For Time 1000m Row 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 25 HSPU 50 KB Swings, 53/35 1000m Ski
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Weightlifting Technique with Jess: -3 Below Knee Snatch Pulls + 1 Below Knee Snatch 5×1 -Snatch Balance 3×3 -Snatch Grip RDL 3×5 @100% Endurance WOD Happy 44th to Mike Bradley!!! AMRAP 44 Minutes 44 Sit Ups 44 Wall Balls 44 Cal Row 44 Burpees 44 Box Step Ups 45/25 44 Pullups 44 Cal Ski
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12 Min AMRAP DB Floor Press Ladder: 3-6-9-12-15… 1 Rope Climb 12 Min AMRAP 30 Sit-ups or 15 GHD’s 15 Cyclists Squats, 70/53 12 Min AMRAP Flight Simulator DU: 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 and reverse
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AMRAP 30Minutes Partner Fran 45 Thrusters 95/63 45 Pullups Partner Elizabeth 45 Power Cleans 135/93 45 Ring Dips Partner Diane 45 Deadlifts 225/153 45 HSPU Partner Karen 150 Wall Balls
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EMOM 10 Min 3 T&G Power Snatches Then… 7 Rounds for Time 8 Power Snatches, 75/53 8/5 Cal Bike 8 Burpees Over Bar 8/5 Cal Ski
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Bench Press 6 RM Then 1xME at 90% Weighted Strict Pullup 3×1 Then…… Crossfit Main Site WOD AMRAP 12 Minutes-Do not put the kettlebell down 12 kettlebell swings 53/3512 kettlebell squats12 single-arm kettlebell push presses
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10 Min EMOM 3 T&G Power Cleans (increase weight each minute) Then… 15 Min AMRAP 5 Power Cleans, 185/123 10 Box Jumps, 24/20 15 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
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Back Squat 3×6 Then…… 5 Rounds 20 Pushups 20 Toes to Bar *Every 3 Minutes, perform 5 Back Squats 185/133. Squats to be taken from a rack* Squats start at 3 minute mark
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Olympic Lifting 1.Clean Pull + Clean: 5 x 1 2.2 Jerk Dips + 1 Jerk: 5 x 1 3a. Clean Grip RDL: 5 x 3 @ 100% 3b. Tall Jerks: 5 x 5 – light, for technique and timing ENDURANCE For Time – Chipper Style (40 min cap) 300 Double Unders 150 Air Squats 75...
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Can be done in any order AMRAP 12 Minutes 250m Row-Try to keep pace under 52 sec/45sec 50 Double Unders-Try to do unbroken AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 L Sit Pull Ups 20 Single Leg Squats AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Toes to Bar 20 DB Snatch-Heavy 300m Run
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