8am class, then Open Gym until Noon Cardio Toast AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Burpees 12/9 Cal Bike 12 DB Snatch Ring in the New Year AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Toes to Ring 12 Ring Pushups 12 KB Swings Midnight Ball Drop AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Med Ball Sit Ups 12 Russian Twists with Med Ball...
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WWPF – For Time 1000m Row or Ski (partners must switch EMOM) 20 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps, 24/20 50 Power Cleans, 95/63 1000m Row or Ski 30 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps 40 Power Cleans, 135/93 1000m Row or Ski 40 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps 30 Power Cleans, 165/113 1000m Row or Ski 50 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps 20 Power...
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Work up to a heavy complex 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch + 1 OHS Then… For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 OHS, 75/53 RX: 1 legless rope climb after each round, 15′ Modify: 1 rope climb, 18′ or 2 Lay 2 Stands
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The Jill-thy Fifty- Happy big 5-0 to JIll Dimichele! 50 box jumps 24/2050 jumping pull-ups50 kettlebell swings 53/3550 walking-lunge steps50 knees-to-elbows50 push presses 45/3350 back extensions50 wall-ball shots50 burpees50 double-unders
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Heavy Complex: 1 Clean + 3 Front Squats Then…. Holleyman Meets Nate AMRAP 20 Minutes 1 Clean (Squat) 225/153 3 Muscle Ups 5 HSPU
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20 MIN AMRAP – Jim Jacobs Half Birthday WOD 25 Cal Ski / Row 25 Box Jump overs, 24″/20″ 25 Cal Ski / Row 25 Push Press, 95/63 25 Cal Ski Row 25 Sandbag Squats, 100/75
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We are closed. Have a great Christmas!! We appreciate you all!
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Swoly Night For Time 50 Deadlifts, 225/153 40 DB Hang Cleans, 50’s/35’s 30 Weighted Push-ups, 55/35 20 Strict Pull-ups 10 Wall Walks 20 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups 30 Weighted Push-ups 40 DB Shoulder 2 OH, 50’s/35’s 50 Burpees
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Can be done with a partner, or solo One Muscle Up Two Heavy Thrusters 135/95 and one muscle up Three Handstand Pushups, 2 heavy thrusters and one muscle up Four Kettle Bell Swings 53/36, 3 hspu, 2 heavy thrusters…. Five Golden Ring pullups, 4 kb swings, 3 hspu…. Six Knees to elbows, 5 golden ring pullups, 4 kb...
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10 Min AMRAP 50-40-30-20-10 Double Under Sit-ups *Max Burpees in remaining time 10 Min AMRAP 12/9 Cal Bike Med Ball Clean Ladder: 5-10-15-20-25… 10 Min AMRAP 15 Cal Ski 30 Russian KB Swings, 70/53
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1 65 66 67 68 69 151