Olympic Lifting -3 Position Snatch (ground + low hang + hang: Work to a heavy -Clean Pull + Clean + 2 Jerks: Work to a heavy Endurance 17 Min AMRAP 75 Double Unders 50/40 Cal Bike 25 Med Ball Clusters (med ball clean + ball slam) 17 Min AMRAP 50 Alt Jumping Lunges 40 DB...
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Fight Gone Matt-Championship Round 5 Rounds-29 Minutes 1 Minute Ski or Bike 1 Minute Box Jump 24/20 1 Minute Wall Ball 1 Minute GHD Sit Ups or Weighted Sit Ups 1 Minute Burpees 1 Minute Rest
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WWPF – Running Clock AMRAP 15 MIN – Relay Style (0:00 – 15:00) 1 Legless Rope Climb 3 Bar Facing Burpees 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95/63 AMRAP 10 MIN (16:00 – 26:00) 4 Synchronized Bar MU 8 ALT Wall Climbs 12 Synchronized KB Swings, 70/53 AMRAP 5 MIN (27:00 – 32:00) Max Ground 2...
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean Then….. 5 Rounds x 4 Minute AMRAPS 12 Toes to Bar 45 Double Unders or Cross Overs Max Rounds of The Chief (Tom Camerote) with remaining time 3 Power Cleans 135/93 6 Pushups 9 Air Squats *Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds Score equals total rounds of The Chief
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a. Bent Over Row 3×8 b. Strict Press 3×8 Then…. AMRAP 15 Minutes 5 Ring Dips 10 Pistols or Single Leg Squats 15/12 Cal Ski
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10 Min EMOM 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch For Time: 50-40-30-20-10 Hang ALT DB Snatch, 50/35 Box Step-over, 50/35
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Zombie Squat 4×4 Then…… 7 Rounds 3 Thrusters 185/113 15/10 Cal Bike
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Olympic Lift Technique Class: -Snatch Pull with Pause + Snatch + Hang Snatch -Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk Endurance WOD: The Filthier Fifty-Happy 50th to Matt Dietrich AND Loren Moore! *Perform 50 Double Unders or Crossovers after each movement* 50 box jumps 24/2050 jumping pull-ups or Ring Rows50 kettlebell swings 53/3550 walking-lunge steps50 knees-to-elbows...
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15 Min Clock 3 x 500m Row Sprint: Rest 2-3 Min *200m Sprint Option: Rest 1:1 “Rocky Road” – 4 Rounds for Time 400m Run or 500m Row 200m Farmers Carry, 70’s/53’s 4 Wall Climbs
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WWPF “Burn The Turkey” – 35 Min AMRAP 3 Rounds 20 Synchronized Burpees 30 Cal Row (partner hangs/ must switch when partner drops) 2 Rounds 30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 400m Run Relay (each partner runs 400m relay style 1 Round 40 Sandbag Step-overs, 24″/20″ (100lb/75lb) 50 Cal Bike
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