Back Squat (WK 1): 5 rep Max then, 3 x 5 @ 85% Then.. 12 Min AMRAP 4 Ring MU 8 Box Jumps, 30/24 12 Thrusters, 95/63
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8am- Virtual Yoga with Brantlee 9am- Weightlifting Technique with Amie 10:15am- Endurance with Amie AMRAP 30 Minutes 40 SA KB Deadlifts 30 SA KB Russian Swings 20 SA Devil Press 300m KB run
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Pick you favorite girl!! Lynne: 5 Rounds- Rest 3 minutes between rounds Max Reps Bodyweight Bench Press Max Reps Kipping Pullups Or………. Barbara: 5 Rounds- Rest 3 minutes between rounds 20 Pullups 30 Pushups 40 Situps 50 Air Squats
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Wacky Wiser Partner Friday 2 Rounds 25 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps, 24/20 50 Sandbag Box Step-overs, 100/75 (Partner hangs) 25 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps 50 Alt Box Jumps, 24/20 50 Sandbag Lunges, 100/75 (Partner hangs) 50 Alt Box Jumps 75/75 DU Relay 50 SandBag Squats, 100/75 (Partner hangs) 75/75 DU Relay
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Hang Snatch Heavy Single Then …….. Every 4 Minutes at 0:00, 4:00, 8:00 and 12:00 (Cut off each round is 3 minutes) 25/15 Cal Bike or Ski 20 Wall Balls 10 Hang Snatch 115/73
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Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 10 SA HighPulls: 3 x 10 Then.. AMRAP 10 Min 5 Deadlifts, 275/183 7 Strict HSPU (modify w/ Pike HSPU or DB OH Press) 9 Strict Ring Dips (Modify w/Assisted , Box dips, or Ring Pushups)
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This. Is. Jeopardy!!!- In honor of the life of Alex Trebek, who taught us all many great lessons throughout our lives 200m run 20 Floor Press 135/93 400m Run 40 Burpees Over Bar 600m Run 60 DB Snatch 50/35 800m Run 80 Sit Ups 1000m Run 100 Air Squats *Rowing option for those that don’t...
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10 Min EMOM 1 Bear Complex (Power Clean + Front Squat + S2OH + Back Squat + S2OH Then… 20 Min AMRAP21 Pullups 15 Kb Swings, 53/35 9 Front Squats, 135/93 *200m Weighted Run w/KB at the 5min, 10min and 15min Mark
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8am- Virtual Yoga 9am-Oly 10:15am- Endurance 30 Min AMRAP 600m Run 50 SItups 40 Wall Ball Shots 30 Weighted Push-ups 200m Farmers Carry
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The Seven 7 Rounds 7 HSPU 7 Thrusters 135/93 7 Knees to Elbows 7 Deadlifts 245/173 7 Burpees 7 KB Swings 70/53 7 Pullups
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1 142 143 144 145 146 151