Old School Strength and Conditioning AMRAP 17 Minutes 10 Strict Press 115/73 100m Farmer Carry 70s/53s 300m Run And…… AMRAP 17 Minutes 100m Prowler 135/90 100m Sandbag Carry 100/75 300m RunRead More
Clean 2-2-2 (does not have to be touch and go) Then…… 30 Box Jumps 24/20 15 Power Cleans 135/83 30 Box Jumps 15 Power Cleans 165/113 30 Box Jumps 15 Power Cleans 195/133Read More
8am and 10am Classes Murph 1 mile Run or 2k Row 100 Pullups (ring rows only if you don’t have pullups) 200 Pushups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run or 2K Row *can be partitioned or done straight through*Read More
8 Minute AMRAP- 2 DBs 20 DB DL 20 DB Hang Clean 20 DB Push Press 8 Minute AMRAP 20 SL V Ups 30 Mountain Climbers 40 Jumping Jacks 8 Minute AMRAP 10/8 Cal Bike or 300m Run 20 Turkish Sit Ups 25/10 lb plate 30 Plank Burpees 8 Minute AMRAP- Secret Service Test KB...Read More
Chipper, In Any Order: 400m Farmer Carry 70’s/53’s (around the building) 200 Double Unders 100 Sit Ups 80 Weighted Lunges 45/25lb Plate 60 DB Snatch 50/35 40 Burpees 1 Mile Run or 2k Row or SkiRead More
15 min to Build to Heavy Snatch Then… DeJaVu 2017 As far as possible in 3 Minutes, 6 Minutes, Finish7 Ring Muscle Ups20 Burpee over box jumps 24/2030 Power snatches 115/7340 Toes to Bar800m Run *Rest 2 Minutes between each roundRead More