9am: Oly 10:15am: Enduro 4:30pm: Virtual Yoga 16 Min AMRAP – (Inside) 60 Double Unders 30 alt DB Snatch, 50/35 20 OH DB Lunges, 50/35 16 Min AMRAP – (Outside) Cash In: 1 mile Run AMRAP Rest of time: 100m SA OH Carry 100m SA Farmers Carry
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15 min to a Heavy Hang Power Clean Then… “Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds 50 Air Squats 7 MU (ring or bar) – modify w/10 pull-ups/ 10 ring dips 10 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95
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3 Rounds – X-Fit Body Building 15 Sumo Deadlifts, KB/BB option 20 Cossack Squats, 70/53 30 SA Rows (10/arm), 70/53 4 Rounds- cardio curls 400m Run Bicep Curl 21’s *7 half reps (botttom to 90 degrees), 7 half reps (midway to top), 7 full reps 5 Rounds – Mid-Line Mania 20 Sit-ups 1 min plank
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Happy 34th Bday to Aaron Flythe! EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk Then……. 2 Rounds 17 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/93 17 Burpees over Box 24/20 17 Cal Bike
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Bench Press: 10-10-10 Strict Pull-ups: 5-5-5 *add wt if needed Then… 20 min Cap 3 Rounds 30 Double Unders 20 KB Swings, 53/35 10 HSPU 2 Rounds 45 Double Unders 30 SA KB Swings 15 HSPU 1 Round 90 Double Unders 60 Russian KB Swings 30 Wt Push-ups, 45/25
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Power Snatch 2-2-2 Then…….. Open Workout 14.4 Remix 18 Minute Cap: 60 Cal Row or 800m Run 50 Toes to Bar 40 Med Ball Cleans 30 Power Snatch 115/83 20 Muscle Ups (any kind)
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Front Squat: Test 1 RM Then… For Max Reps 3 min max deadlifts, 155/113 1 min rest 3 min max hang squat cleans, 135/93 1 min rest 3 min max S2OH, 115/73
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Reminder: Yoga with Brantlee has moved to 4:30pm 9am: Weightlifting Technique 10:15am: Endurance WOD Endurance WOD: In Any Order 12 Minute Repeat Intervals: Sprint 400m, jog 200m 12 Minute AMRAP 20 Burpee Plate Ground to OH 45/25 20 OH Plate Lunges 200m OH Plate Carry AMRAP 12 Minutes 20 Supine Ring Rows 30 Russian Swings...
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Sprint Intervals with TJ 5 Rounds, 3 Minute AMRAPS-2 minute rest between rounds 10 DB Thrusters 50s/35s 15 DB Box Step Over 30 Double Unders Max Burpee Box Jump Over with Remaining Time
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CrossFit Gymnastics 12 min AMRAP 4 Strict HSPU 6 Strict Pull-ups 8 Ring Dips Tabata-Building: 8 Rounds of 20 sec of work/ 10 sec of rest Cyclist Squats, 53/35 Bicep Curls (Bar, DB’s, or band option) Tricep Extension(Bar, Db’s, or band option) Mid-Line Mania 10 min AMRAP 10 T2B 20 Plate Sit-ups :30 Hollow Body...
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