Deadlifts: 3-3-3 Then… 18 min AMRAP 2 Muscle-ups or 4 Pulls/4 Pushes 4 Deadlifts, 275/173 12 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
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“Wacky Wiser Friday“ AMRAP 10 – Lats ALL That 20 Single Arm Rows (kb or db) 15 Bicep Curls (barbell) 5 Strict Pull-ups AMRAP 10 – Calf -Ham -Quad Damn 20 Cyclist Squats, (kb or Db) 20 Single Leg RDL (Barbell) (10/leg) 20 Weighted Calf Raises (tempo) AMRAP 10 Min – Thee Ab Lab 30...
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0:00-10:00 EMOM Snatch 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 12:00-18:00 Row or Ski 1000m AFAP Max Burpees with Remaining Time 20:00-30:00 AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Snatch 115/73 10 T2B 15 Wall Balls
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Bench Press: 3 x 6 (increase weight from last week) Then… “WiserFitness“ For Time: 38 Birthday Deadlifts, bodyweight 38 Birthday Sandbag Lunges (bear hug), 100/75 38 Birthday Weighted Push-ups, 45/25 38 Birthday Hang Cleans (anyway), Bodyweight 38 Birthday Sandbag Step-ups, 100/75 (box above knee ht) 38 Birthday HSPU (super RX = Strict)
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Front Squat Every 2 Minutes: 2×6@80% 2×4@85% 2×2@ 90% 1x Burnout Set of 15+ @70% Then….. AMRAP 12 Minutes 2 Muscle Ups 4 KB Snatch 70/53 6 Burpees Over KB
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(Squat program will continue Tuesday) For Time: 3 Rounds 10 Power Cleans, 115/73 20 Toes 2 Bar 30 Double Unders 2 Rounds 15 Shoulder 2 OH, 115/73 30 Russian Twists 45 Double Unders 1 Round 30 Clean & Jerks, 115/73 60 Sit-ups 90 Double Unders
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9am: Oly 10:15am: Endurance 4:30pm: Virtual yoga Endurance: 12 Min AMRAP 12 Burpee onto Plate 12 Jumping Squats, 45/25 (Plate) 12 KB Swings, 70/53 12 Min LADDER (3-6-9-12-15-18….) Cal Row or Bike Pull-ups/Ring Rows 12 min AMRAP CASH IN: 1 mile Run Farmers Carry for distance OR Max Wall Climbs
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Deadlift 2-2-2 Then….. 21-15-9-6-3 Deadlift 185/133 Calorie Row Strict Pullup Dip
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For Time: 50 Lunges, 65/33 40 Box Step-overs, 50/35 30 DB Deadlifts, 50’s/35’s 40 Lunges, 95/63 30 Box Step-overs, 50’s/35’s 30 DB Hang Cleans, 50’s/35’s 30 Lunges, 115/83 20 Box Step-overs, 100/75 (sandbag) 30 Front Squats, 100/75 (sandbag) CASH OUT MIDLINE MANIA 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Russian Twist Side Plank Raises, Right Side Plank Raises, Left
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10 Minutes to a Heavy Snatch Then…. Happy Birthday Kristin Jones!! In Any Order: 3 x 500m Ski Sprints, 90 seconds to 2 minute rests between AND……… Isabel 30 Power Snatches for Time 135/93
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