Olympic Lifting Clean Pull + High Hang Clean (70-80%/1+2 x 2 sets 85%+/1+1×3 Sets Power Snatch EMOM 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 ENDURANCE AMRAP 12 Minutes Sprint 100m Walk/jog 100m AMRAP 12 Minutes 15 Burpees 15 Box Jumps 200m Run AMRAP 12 Minutes 20 Cal Ski 40 Sit Ups 60 Double UndersRead More
100 Double Unders (Switch Every 50 Reps) 50 DB Cleans 50’s/35’s 12 Alt Rope Climbs 400m Relay 200 Double Unders (Switch Every 50 Reps) 50 DB S2OH 10 Alt Rope Climbs 400m Run Relay 300 Double Unders (Switch E 50 Reps) 50 DB C and J 8 Alt Rope Climbs 400m RelayRead More
2 Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk-Heavy (do not have to be touch and go) Then…….. 30 Squat Clean Thrusters for Time 135/93 Cash Out: Not for Time Ab Circuit 3 Rounds 1 Minute Plank 15 Slow Back Extensions 20 Slow V UpsRead More
Olympic Lifting -Snatch – 5 Singles starting at 75% (add 5% until you miss. Finish remaining sets w/ last % you made) -2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk : build to heavy Endurance 16 Min AMRAP 200m Med Ball Run 15 Wall Ball Shots 200m Med Ball Run 15 Med Ball Cleans 200m Med Ball...Read More