
Partner Friday: 3 Min of Max rope climbs: then… 10 min Bear Complex, 155/105 Burpee over bar (ladder) *Ex: partners will alternate after each bear complex and burpees. then… 3 Min of Max rope climbs Notes: This workout has 3 sections but will be timed as one 16 min workout. Post total rope climbs and...
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Hang Clean 3-3-3 Then: 15-12-9-6-3 reps of: Deadlift Hang Clean Thruster (115#/85#) Strength Class Press 5×3 Hang Clean 3×3 Post Loads and Times to Comments:
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Trick or Treat for time! Post Loads and costumes to comments.
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CrossFitWC has power again! All classes are back on a normal schedule.
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We will be open during the 9:30, 12 noon 4 and 5pm classes. We still do not have power. Plan to be outside, dress appropriately. Please park around back so you don’t have to walk down the stairs in the dark. WOD 5 Rounds 400m Run 21 KBS 70/53 21 Pull-ups
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The 5am and 6am classes are canceled for tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for information on the later classes. Back Squat 5-5-5 Then….. Back Squatting Lynne 5 Rounds Max Rep Body Weight Back Squat Max Rep Pullups (if you can’t do unassisted pullups yet, do 20 scaled pullups per round) Rest 2-3 Minutes between each round...
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The 5am and 6am classes are cancelled for Tuesday.
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15 min to explore a one handed pull-up. Scale from hardest to easier like this: Assisted – where one arm is the main puller other arm is pulling from lower leverage like one ring lower than the other. 1/2 – ROM pulling with one arm half way Uneven – wherre one hand is on ring...
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CrossFit West Chester is on a normal schedule unless otherwise stated.
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10am: Olympic Lifting Class 11am: Endurance 3 rounds for time of: 10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (R arm, L leg) 24/16kg 10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (L arm, R leg) 24/16kg 20 Lateral Burpee Over the Box Jumps 20″ 30 Jumping Squats 45# Stayed tuned to Facebook and our website for any cancellations...
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