Bench Press: 3 x 5 Weighted Pullup: 3 x 5 Then.. Wacky Wiser Partner Friday “Partner Cindy” – 20 min amrap 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats *Partners will switch after each round of Cindy. The partner who is NOT doing Cindy will attempt Max # DU * Rounds of Cindy + Double Unders...Read More
De-load week Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 65% 3 x3 @ 70% 3 x3 @ 75% Then: 1000 Meter Row 50 wall balls (20/15) 20 Clean and Jerk (165/115) Post Loads and Times to Comments and Zen:Read More
EMOM 7-work up heavier every minute 2 Snatches (power or full) 3 OHS Then…. 30 Ring Muscle Ups for Time Every 2 Minutes: 2 Snatches (full depth) 185/133 Scale if not doing jumping muscle up or muscle up variation = 50 Pullups, 50 Ring Dips, broken up any way, with 2 Snatches every 2 minutes...Read More
Deload week Back Squat 3 x 3 @ 65% 3 x3 @ 70% 3 x3 @ 75% F0r time: 50 trict medball knees 2 elbows (Strict knees2E’s while holding 10lb medball with your feet) *Everytime you break, 5 squat cleans 165/115* The Doakster, showing off his CFWC shirt in Israel. Read More
10 am- Olympic Lifting Class and Open Gym 11 am- Endurance WOD Luke For time: Run 400 meters 155/105lb. clean and jerks, 15 reps Run 400 meters 30 toes-to-bars Run 400 meters 45 wall-ball shots, 20/14lb. ball Run 400 meters 53/35lb kettlebell swings, 45 reps Run 400 meters 30 ring dips Run 400 meters 155/105lb....Read More
Bench Press: 3 x 5 Weight Strict Pullups: 3 x 5 Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 20 Minute “Jackie” Relay Sprint Row 250m 21 Thrusters, 45lbs/33lb 12 Pullups, Men= C2B / Ladies = Chin over bar *Tag your partner in once you complete the 12th pullup Basel and Broke Leg during Partner Friday Read More
Front Squats: wk 3 1 x 5 @ 80% 2 x 5 @ 85% 3 x 5 @ 90% Then: Power Elizabeth 21-15-9 Power Cleans 135/95 Ring Dips *12 min Cap 1 min rest then: 2 Min Max Effort Toes to Bar Post Loads and Times to Comments and Zen:Read More
Snatch Grip RDL: 3 x 5 (Heavier than last week) L-Sit: Max Effort Then…As Many Rounds & Reps as Possible in 20 Minutes *****Start each round where you left off****** 0:00 – 3:00 3 snatches, 115/63 6 Box Jumps, 30″/24″ 9 Pullups –—-Rest 2 Minutes——- 5:00 – 10:00 3 snatches, 135/93 6 Box Jumps 9...Read More