EMOM 10 2 Power Snatches 1 Snatch Then…. EMOM 10 Minutes 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10′ 3 Ring Muscle Ups (sub=5 Ring Dips) *Scale with fewer reps per minute* Heather M doing some box jumps Read More
9 am-11 am Open Gym 10 am- Olympic Lifting Class with Coach Ryan 11 am- Endurance 100 Double Unders 400m Run 50 Pushups 400m Run 25 Ring rows with feet on box 10 Front Squats 165/103 800m Run 10 Front Squats 25 Ring Rows 400m Run 50 Pushups 400m Run 100 Double Unders Happy...Read More
10 Meters of Fun 5 Rounds 1 Minute at each station with 1 Minute rest after each full round 10m Prowler Push 100/75 10m Farmer Carry 70/53 10m Shuttle Runs 10m OH Walking Lunges 45/25 1 Minute Rest Gaga and Tina doing partner deadlifts way back in the day! Read More
15 minutes to work to a heavy snatch Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” Partner Death By…. OHS, 95/63 C2B Pullups *Complete 1 OHS and C2B Pullup the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the third minute and so on. When you cannot complete the correct reps scheme for that minutes, start back at the...Read More
2 x 1,000m Row Then….. AMRAP 2 Minutes Power Clean and Jerk 135/93 2 Minute Rest AMRAP 2 Minutes Power Clean and Jerk 165/113 2 Minute Rest AMRAP 2 Minutes Power Clean and Jerk 185/133 Paul and Baz during Murph Read More
Open Gym: 8-10am Memorial Day Murph: 10am Open Gym: 11:30am – 1pm “Murph” 1 mile run 100 pullups 200 Pushups 300 Air Squats 1 mile run *Newbies: Less than 6 months of consistent Crossfit classes , partner up w/someone and split up the reps. In memory of...Read More
*Reminder: No Olympic Lift Class today* 9-11 am- Open Gym 11 am- Endurance WOD 4 Rounds 800m Run 50 Double Unders 25 Sit Ups Reminder: On Monday, Memorial Day, we will have Open Gym from 8-10am, Murph Class will run from 10-11:30, then we will have Open Gym from 11:30-1. We will close...Read More