Back squat 8 RM, then 2×8 @90% of 8 RM Then…. 10 Minute Ladder 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8……….. Bar Muscle Up Snatch (full squat depth)135/93 Abmat, Laura, Turkey Bacon and Sean at their last competitionRead More
Kicking back and watching the Rocky movie legacy unfold I was inspired. We enjoy the fruits of Labor day from those who have fought and toiled in this great country before us. Enjoy your day and this little old school number. “Fight Gone Bad!” Three rounds of: Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)...Read More
**NO OLY CLASS** 9am Open Gym 11am Endurance 3 ROUNDS 800m run 50 DU 25 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 10 Press Press, 115/73 *Row 1000m During workout Happy Birthday Gary Ham & CheeseRead More
Labor Day Weekend Memorial WOD. “Hotshots 19“ Six rounds for time of: 30 Squats 19 Power cleans 135/95 7 Strict Pull-ups 400 Meter Run Normal Class Times 8am 9am and Open Gym at 10am. There will be a 60 Minute time cap for each class. We will Start each session at 8:15, 9:15 and 10:15....Read More
Friday September 4: Normal Schedule Saturday September 5: Normal Schedule Sunday September 6: 10am open Gym (NO OLY CLASS) 11am Endurance Monday September 7th: 9:30am 12noon 4pm *Our Back Squat program will continue Tuesday September 8th Read More
Over Head Squat 2-2-2 Then: 12 min AMRAP of 7 Squat Cleans 155/105 15 Kettle Bell Swings (70/53) 30 Double Unders Post Loads and Rounds completed to ZEN and Comments:Read More
Power Clean 3-3-3 Then…… Open WOD 14.4 AMRAP 14 Minutes 60 Calorie Row 50 Toes to bar 40 Wall Balls 10′ 30 Power Cleans 135/93 20 Ring Muscle Ups Team Jane and the Giuntas Read More
Congratulations to all those who competed this weekend! We’re so proud of you all! Work up to 8 rep max Back Squat, then 2 sets of 8 @90% of your new 8 rep max. Then: 200m Med Ball Run 20/14 12 Deficit Strict HSPU (use 45/35lb plate) 200m Med Ball Run 10 Deficit Strict HSPU 200m Med...Read More