In Any Order: AMRAP 12 Minutes 100m Sled Pull Sprint 45/25 100m Sled Pull Walk AMRAP 12 Minutes 1 Mile Run Max Burpees with Remaining Time (On the Deck) AMRAP 12 Minutes 20 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25 100m OH Plate Carry 100m Gun WalkRead More
WWPF 12 MIN AMRAP 400m Run Relay 50 Planking Burpees (partner holds front plank while partner burpees over) Max Alt Box Jumps, 24″/20″ 12 MIN AMRAP 400m Run Relay 100 Alt Box Jumps, 24″/20″ Max Synchronized Target Burpees 12 MIN AMRAP 400m Run Relay 120 DB Hang Snatches, Mix anyway between partners (1 person works...Read More
9am Oly 10:15 Endurance 18 MIn AMRAP – OUTSIDE 100m Prowler 200m Sprint 30 Jumping Squats 18 Min AMRAP – INSIDE 50 Alt Kb Swings 25 Toes 2 Rings *12/10 Cal Bike = 0:00 , 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 16:00Read More
In Any Order: For 10 minutes, alternating movements every minute: 1 Minute Max Rep Bench Press 155/93 1 Minute Max Cal Bike In 10 Minutes: As Many Burpee Ring Muscle Ups as Possible (Scale to Burpee Pullups) AMRAP 10 Minutes 20 Bicep Curls 45/33 30 Thrusters 45/33 40 Sit UpsRead More