Get There Any Way: 15 Rope Climbs 15′ 100 Double KB Deadlifts 100 Weighted Box Step Ups 45/25 100 Pushups 100 V Ups 100 Back Extensions or Supermen 3 Minute Sandbag Hold-Bear Hug 4 Minute Fish Game on RowerRead More
2 Rounds for Time: 60 DB Hang Snatch-Heavy 40/30 Cal Bike 20 Sandbag Over Shoulder 100/75 *Must accumulate 75 GHD situps or 150 regular situps over the course of the workout* (Coach’s discretion on GHDs, no exceptions)Read More
15 Minutes to a Heavy Snatch Then…. Happy Birthday to Coach TJ!!! AMRAP 18 Minutes Cash In: Ski or Row TJ’s birth year 1993m AMRAP REMAINING TIME: 1 Snatch 165/113 18 Toes to Bar 29 Lateral Box Jumps 24/20Read More
Sumo Deadlift Work to a heavy single (3 sec neg) Then… Martin Luther King Jr BirthDay WOD AMRAP 16 MIN 1 Strict MU 15 Devils Press, 50/35 29 Goblet Squats, 50/35Read More
Oly: Squat Cleans from blocks: 1-1-1-1-1 @ 75% or over Jerk: Find a heavy single Endurance 25 Strict Dips 50 DU 50 Wall Ball Shots 50 DU 75 Sit-ups 50 DU 100 KB Swings 50 DU 75 Push-ups 50 DU 50 Wall Ball Shots 50 DU 25 HSPURead More
Tabata C2B Pullups- 8 Rounds 1 Minute Rest In 3 Minutes Max Reps Clean and Jerk 135/93 1 Minute Rest Tabata Toes to Bar-8 Rounds 1 Minute Rest In 3 Minutes Max Reps Clean and Jerk 165/113 1 Minute Rest Tabata Burpees 1 Minute Rest In 3 Minutes Max Reps Clean and Jerk 185/133Read More
WWPF – Running Clock 0:00 – 13:00 Work up to a heavy Hang Snatch Double 15:00 – Finish 42-30-18 Power Snatch, 135/93 (mix anyway) Synchronized Pistols Planking BurpeesRead More