
Registration: 8am – 8:45am Judges Briefing: 8:30am Athletes Briefing: 8:45am First Heat in WOD 1: 9:15am *Non-perishable food donations are more than appreciated!
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500m Row x 3 Then… 12 Minute Partner Diane Ladder 3 Deadlifts, 225/155 3 HSPU 6 Deadlifts 6 HSPU 9 Deadlifts 9 HSPU *Continue this pattern until time runs out. Both Partners must do entire rep scheme (ex. partner 1 does 3 deadlifts and 3 HSPU, partner 2 does 3 HSPU and 3 dead-lifts, ect…....
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Split Jerk 5×3 Then 15 Min Amrap of: Clean and Jerk Cindy ladder (135#/95#) For each round of Cindy perform that rounds number of clean and jerks before starting the next round. example: Round 1 ends with one C&J, Round 2 ends with 2 C&Js etc etc…. A round of Cindy is: 5 Pullups 10...
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7 Min EMOM: Snatch (Full) + 3 OHS, heavy Then… 5 Rounds: 200m Run 21 Wall Balls, 20/14 12 C2B Pull-ups The Fight For Food competition is this Saturday April 13th. We are still looking for a few more judges to help out. If you’re interested, please email [email protected].  Thursday April 11th will be the...
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Front Squat 5×3 with 3 second pause at the bottom of each Then…. AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Front Squats 165/115 5 HSPU 15 Double Unders Then….. EMOM 5 Minutes 100m Sprint (100m=from end of garage doors to gate) rest remainder of minute, then on 3 2 1 go, sprint back to end of garage doors....
Read More Happy Monday. The open is over. In completing the open wods you may have found some holes in your fitness. One of the great things about CrossFit is seeing finding your weaknesses and then setting out to tackle them. Enjoy the process and keep your eye on the prize! I will be running a...
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9am-Yoga 10am-Open gym and 13.5 11am-Endurance “Cameron” 50 Walking lunge steps 25 Chest to bar pull-ups 50 Box jumps, 24 inch box 25 Triple-unders 50 Back extensions (Superman Rocks) 25 Ring dips 50 Knees to elbows 25 Wallball “2-fer-1s”, 20 pound ball 50 Sit-ups 15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents Happy birthday, LAAAAAAFRANCE!!
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Over Head Squat 7×1 Then 3 Rounds 400 Meter Run 20 Kettle Bell Snatches (10L/10R) (53#/36#) 12 Over Head Squats 95#/65# Post loads and times to comments: 10AM Games WOD 13.5 Support Cherie Fishbaugh and Corinne Murphey and SPARC (Southeastern Pennsylvania Autism Resource Center) in Strides for SPARC 5K on April 27th.   More Information...
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Back Squat: 3 X 8 Then… Partner Death By: Snatch, 115/75 Burpee *Partners switch movements every minute until you can no longer complete that number of reps for that minute. Don’t forget that Next Saturday April 13th, CFWC will host it’s first Competition supporting Lords & Pantry in Downingtown. We encourage everyone to bring canned...
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CrossFit Open Workout 13.5 4 minute AMRAP of: 15 Thrusters (100 / 65 lbs) 15 Chest to bar Pull-ups *4 minute bonus for every 90 reps (3 rounds) completed. TIME BONUS: If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes. If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in...
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