WOD 4/9/13
Front Squat 5×3 with 3 second pause at the bottom of each
AMRAP 10 Minutes
5 Front Squats 165/115
15 Double Unders
EMOM 5 Minutes
100m Sprint (100m=from end of garage doors to gate) rest remainder of minute, then on 3 2 1 go, sprint back to end of garage doors.
It’s starting to get hot! We have water coolers, but be sure to bring your own cup or water bottle.
Who’s the old fart at the top of the hill???
liking this workout. Get to work on my front squats 🙂
Better to be in top then floundering at the bottom. 101 outside and Jenny makes us run hills.
But I did buy you Popsicles for after the wod….
Best Popsicle ever