WOD 4/11/13
Split Jerk
15 Min Amrap of:
Clean and Jerk Cindy ladder (135#/95#)
For each round of Cindy perform that rounds number of clean and jerks before starting the next round.
example: Round 1 ends with one C&J, Round 2 ends with 2 C&Js etc etc….
A round of Cindy is:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Airsquats
7:30 Strength Class Tonight.
Post Loads and Rounds completed to comments.
Just another reminder: F4F is this Saturday and today is the last day to register. Click HERE if you’re interested.
Please come out to support those competing and bring a donation of canned food for the Lord’s Pantry. Also We are still looking for a few more judges to help out. If you’re interested, please email us at [email protected]