
7 Min EMOM: 2 Full Snatches + 1 OHS Then… “ISABEL” W/ Twist 30 Snatches (ANYWAY), 135/95 * On the top of every even min, complete 20 mountain climbers * On the top of every odd min, complete 20 lateral jumps over the bar   Lot of new members joining the community. Chris is one...
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EMOM 7 Min 2 Power Cleans (80% 1 RM C and J) 1 Jerk (3 second pause in split position) Then….. Grace with a Twist 30 Clean and Jerk 135/95 BUUUUUTTTT……… EMOM 20 Double Unders Happy birthday to our little early bird, Kelly N!!
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Back Squat 5-5-5 Then….. Back Squatting Lynne 5 Rounds Max Rep Body Weight Back Squat Max Rep Pullups (if you can’t do unassisted pullups yet, do 20 scaled pullups per round) Rest 2-3 Minutes between each round Each Round should be max effort! You should be so tired that you should not be able to...
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9am: Yoga 10am:  Olympic Lifting Snatch: 6 x 2 @80% Snatch Grip Push Press: Test Triple 11am: Endurance 5 Rounds 400m Run 20 Hand Release Pushups 400m Run 20 Toes to Bar Bob Fudala and his men were hard at work Saturday re-designing our monkey bar rig. Those thick bars that everyone hated are now...
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61_07_Asst_Seq_for_Snatch AMRAP for 20 min the following Snatch assistance sequence: 1 Muscle Snatch 1 Overhead Squat 1 Snatch Balance 1 Sots Press Run 600m Ladies increase weight in 5lbs increments each round / Gents 10lbs.
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Push Press: 3-3-3 Then… W/Partner Complete the Following: Cash In: 100Ft Push Press + OH Walking Lunges (R/L),  53/35 (2 KB) 100 Pull-ups (while partner holds from bar) 75 Alt Box Jumps, 24/20 50 Planking Burpees (1 partner holds plank, while other jumps over) 25 Ground to OH, 135/95 (while partner holds rack position) Cash...
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DeadLift 3-3-3 Then: 30 Double Unders 20 DeadLift 225/155 5 Hand Stand Pushups 30 Double Unders 15 DeadLift 225/155 10 Hand Stand Pushups 30 Double Unders 10 DeadLift 225/155 15 Hand Stand Pushups 30 Double Unders 5 DeadLift 225/155 20 Hand Stand Pushups 30 Double Unders 7:30 Strength Class Post Loads and Times to comments:
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5 Min EMOM: 3 Hang Snatches (full), Heavy Then… For Time: 30-20-10 Wall Ball, 20/14 (12’/10′) KB Snatch, 70/53      
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AMRAP 5 Minutes 1 Clean 185/135 or 80% 1 RM C and J 2 Front Squats 1 Jerk Then…… 7 Rounds 7 OHS 135/95 7 Pullups Make sure you guys say hello to new member Prranit (and Kim) when you see them.
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Find your heaviest triple of the following: Dead-Lift + Clean High Pull + Pendlay Row Repeat 1 rep of the complex EMOM for 5 Min. 3 rounds For Time 50 Double-Unders 100′ Walking OH Lunges 55/35# plate 25 Burpees;
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