
Scaled group from CFWC at Hardbat Holiday Classic Barbell Complex – Complete the complex 5 times add weight for 20 min. Row Clean Front Squat Military Press Back Squat Good Mornings Then: 30-20-10 Barbell Thrusters 95/65 Burpees over the bar.
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9am Yoga 10am Oly Class 11am Endurance 5 Rounds: Each Round is 5 Min. Rest 2 minutes between rounds. 20 C2B PUllups 15 Situps 10 Push Press, 135/95 *Complete max DU for remaining time in round    
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8am- Beginner 9am- class 10am- Open Gym Get as far as you can in 3 Minutes 70 Mountain Climbers 30 KB Swings 70/53 20 Toes to Bar 30 Box Jumps 24/20 20 KB SDHP 70/53 30 Burpees 20 Single Arm KB S2OH 70/53 60′ Broad jumps 1 Minute Break, then As Many Reps as possible...
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Back Squat: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 (15 min cap) Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 50-40-30-20-10 KB Snatches,70/53(KB must touch the ground each rep) Wall Ball Shots, 20/14.( 10ft) * Complete 5 Rope Climbs after the 50’s, 4 rope climbs after the 40’s, 3 rope climbs after the 30’s, 2 rope climbs after the 20’s, and 1 rope climb...
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PowerClean 5×1 Then: 12 Min Amrap of: *1000 Meter Row followed by Elizabeth ladder 1 Power Clean 1 Ring Dip 2 Power Cleans 2 Ring Dips 3 Power Cleans 3 Ring Dips etc… Complete as many rounds as possible with what is remaining in the 12 min. *Rowing can be staggard or substituted with an...
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  5 Minute EMOM: 3 Deadlift + 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk, AHAP Then… 3 Rounds 50 Air Squats 7 Wall Climbs 10 Deadlifts, 225/155 New Camo Hooded Sweatshirts available for online ordering only (pink available for women) CLICK HERE  
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Front Squat 3-3-3 (3 second pauses at bottom of each) Then…. 3 Rounds of 3 minute AMRAPs AMRAP 3 minutes 2 Ring Muscle Ups (sub 5 ring dips or 5 paralette dips) 3 Power Snatches 115/85 5 OHS 115/85 3 Minute rest between each round Cherie hitting some backsquats      
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Row 1000m 30 Ground to Overhead 135/95 30 Toes to Bar *Coaches rotate people through on the rowers* Then….. 3 Rounds 50 Double Unders 20 KB Swing 53/35 20 Push ups *Coaches, have a running clock.  People may start with either wod, then switch.   Enjoy the snow!      
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9am: Yoga 10am: Olympic Lifting Class 11am: Endurance 30 Min AMRAP: Every 5 Minutes…. 15 Burpees 10 Pullups 15 Jumping Squats w/bar 20 DU Shower demo has begun.
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8am – Beginners 9am- All Levels 10am- Open Gym Power Snatch: 3-3-3 Then… 21-15-9 Power Snatch, 115lb/85lb Ring Dips Box Jumps, 24″/20″   Our members love hanging around (Fancy Nancy & the 7:30am All Stars during Partner Friday)  
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