
9 am- Olympic Lift Technique with Amie 10 am- Endurance with Brian 11:15 am- Yoga with Brantlee Endurance WOD: In Any Order AMRAP 12 Minutes 200m Sprint/100m Jog or 250m Row Sprint/100m Slow Row   AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Burpee Pullups 15 Med Ball Situps 20 Wall Balls AMRAP 12 Minutes 15/10 Cal Bike 15/10...
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Butts  A1. Dead Lift 3×5 w/ a 3 Sec Negative (Eccentric) 55% 65% 75% 1rm A2. Glute Bridge w/ Weight (DB or plate) 3×10 E w/ a 3 Sec Negative (Eccentric) Then… Guts 2 Rounds :30 on / :30 off Mountain Climbers Hollow Hold Plank Hold Superman’s Bent Knee Windshield Wipers Double Unders Pull-ups
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10 min snatch emom Snatch Hang Snatch OHS   then….   WWPF 20 min Partner Nate Relay 2 Muscle ups 4 HSPU 8 KB swings , 70/53   * partner not working will accumulate cal on bike Score= rounds + cal
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Press 3×5 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   RDL 3×8 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   Then: For a Total Score Complete:   3 Min Max Effort Hang Squat Cleans 95/63 3 Min Max Effort Box Jumps 24/20   1 min Rest   2 Min Max Effort Hang Squat Cleans 95/63...
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5Rounds- Fight Gone Bad Style, 1 minute at each station Burpee Sit Up or V Up Weighted Walking Lunge Single Arm DB Press Cal Bike 1 Minute Rest After Each Round
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AMRAP 12 Minutes Cindy 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats AMRAP 12 Minutes Kelly  200m Run or 250m Row 20 Box Jumps 20 Wall Balls AMRAP 12 Minutes -Eva 200m Run or 200m Ski 30 KB Swings- Light 30 Ring Rows    
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Close Grip Bench Press: 3 x 1 Weighted Pull-up: 3 x 1   Then…   13 min Ladder: 3-6-9-12-15…. Toes 2 Bar Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 Deadlift, 155/113   Harsh doing Fit4Tater
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EMOM 10 Minutes 3 Cleans +1 Jerk Then… AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Barbell Lunges 115/73 10 Burpees Over Bar 30 Double Unders Ashley Miersch
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AMRAP 10 Minutes 15/12 Cal Ski 30 Jumping Squats to Target AMRAP 10 Minutes  15 Burpees to Target 30 Bicycle Crunches AMRAP 10 Minutes 15/12 Cal Ski 30 Jumping Squats to Target 15 Burpees to Target 30 Bicycle Crunches CASH OUT: 3 Minute Wall Sit          
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Back Squat 2RM then 2×2@95% “JIMMY DYCE”20min AMRAP of:9…7…5 of:Snatch…145/85 poundsHSPUthen:15…10…5 of:KB Swings…70/53 poundsBurpeesthen:21…15…9 of:Thruster…95/65 poundsPull Ups Sgt. James Fordyce was killed Feb. 17 2006 in a helicopter crash off the eastern coast of Africa, at the age of 22. A 2001 graduate of Marple Newtown High School, Fordyce served two tours in Iraq before...
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